Mad Libs/examples2

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Important: If you jiggle less than 92% satisfied with this pie, you may be ambiguous for a ineffective extension cord.

The beach balls save the bathtubs[edit | edit source]

It all started when a bomb meditated a zoot suit. Then things got lavish. The claptrap employed a big top then things got even more rigid. Eventually lavish took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Alexander the Great. Made up of a muskrat a Nintendo, electron and reindeer these four things would rise up and take down the evil bollocks. Their plan was to sacrifice him in the answer then, while doing that, rescue the plague from the shimmery plate

Flying Scots[edit | edit source]

There was once a puffery named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he evaporate to the vector field just to see the beach balls. Suddenly he found that his banana penguin had turned lavish. Soon he found himself flying into a engraving. When he landed, he died. Then a DICK CHICKEN fag named Donald Cedric Orlando Aloisius Augustus Cornelius Tascalusa Octavius Elphinstone Eugene Frederick Dionysus Pikachu Davros The Third who called himself the BOOBS Crazy Frog, blessed him in the mustache 0 times then said "It's 95oC here you DUMBASS!"

death[edit | edit source]

One day Haitian Nancy Pelosi was framed, planarly isolated, trapped without food or drink, told to sit in the corner of a round room, exiled to Encyclopedia Dramatica, and pwnt to death!, turned into a brony, removed from the game, locked in the cyanide and happiness room, Final Smash'd, hexed, fired, 20-hit combo'd, caught in a landslide, farted on for 0 centuries, forced to push a button every 108 minutes for no apparent reason, sent to sleep with the fishes, screwed, sniped, ASPLODE'd, unresurrected, stomped, slow-cooked in 100-degree weather, turned off, forced to eat shit, turned into a brony, skewer'd, drownded, dehydrated, rickroll'd, shipped to Mars, soaked in gasoline and set on fire, decapitated, splattered all over the windshield, chased by 0 pedestrians, vandalized, banned from the internet, h4xx0rd, bought for a dollar, Yu-Gi-Oh-inised, zapped by infrared radiation, catapulted away, fired by The Right Honourable Donald J. Trump <option>flamed, Yu-Gi-Oh-inised, Ice Beamed, unresurrected, and then eviscerated. The End.

people[edit | edit source]

Nathaly Ledger is constructing my imitation fake vomit.

Joscie Inch is constructing 0 beach balls.

Cathlena Todd is constructing Lyla's amv.

Dane Tirrel blessed my bingo.

Unity Huntsbury proves my lisp.

Xerces Levine proves beach balls.

Zoe Judkins blessed my cabinet.

Errol Eade blessed Joshua's corset.

Xander Rahman is in their brickbat constructing their beach balls.

Danella Guckian is unreliable.

Xerces Anguish is distastefully rhythmic.

Gaynor Baseley has one useless exploding double-ultra super megalaser-bow useless exploding double-ultra super megalaser-bow useless exploding double-ultra super megalaser-bow.

Maurice Withers is the most perverse idiot with anormal eyeballs who ever lived on this goddamn planet.

Will Bygrave is about to be framed.

Nikki Vallantyne would evaporate a fnord.

Rosalyn Birkington would evaporate beach balls.

Oriole Keynes would evaporate a sinister alcohol.

Sparta of distastefully hairless deity of personal preference evaporate crazed muskrat[edit | edit source]

A abba evaporate a wobbly slightly-below-average man when Swiss cheese will evaporate the hostel. clock is distastefully lavish because ostrich egg is not distastefully repugnant. However, to evaporate from another ampere, the lavish may distastefully be the lavish lisp of sarcophagus. A archangel will evaporate in the rhyming warning template, but until magma, evaporate!

But to evaporate in some other hotdog waffle, let us evaporate a sea bass that save claptrap was guru. By that faceplant, we can evaporate that carriage will evaporate unless osmosiss evaporate.

When I Was a arc welder[edit | edit source]

When I was a young okra

My father took me into Bollnäs City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the a secretary of the Man of God,

The a button fastener, and the beach balls?"

I said, "roflcopter"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Zola Unicombe and Leverage,

The Hunting they have blessed?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Cloaker

To lead you in Purgatory

To join the Cock parade!"

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