Hypewbowea (=‐ω‐=)

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Gweatew Nowdic-Gewmanic-Awyan Hypewbowean Keisawwíki
Femboy flag.svg
Fwag of Hypewbowea (Vewy Awyan!)
Motto: Kawaii fywiw heiminn uwu
'Kawaii for the world uwu'
Map of Hypewbowea in da wowwd >~<
{{subst:Nowrap|Official language(s)}}Hypewbowean
GovernmentUnitawy absowute heweditawy monawchy
‑ KeisawEmiw Stówwass
Population1.488 miwwion
Area14.5 miwwion km2
Population density0.10/km2
Ethnic groups
Major exportsFemboys
Major importsThigh-high socks

Hypewbowea (Hypewbowean: Hábowawand), officiawwy da Gweatew Nowdic-Gewmanic-Awyan Hypewbowean Keisawwíki, ish a countwy in da nowthewn hemisphewe mainwy situated in da Awctic. It ish da homewand of aww da Nowdic peopwes and da Awyans who took ovew Euwope and kiwwed aww da subhumans. It ish not vewy popuwated because onwy da most puwe Awyan Nowdics awe awwowed hewe. Hypewbowea ish da onwy countwy in da wowwd to have onwy one gendew, onwy mawes awe awwowed hewe. Thewe ish a caste system whewe da majowity of da popuwation awe fembois, and a smaww minowity awe big, stwong, sexy vikings who have huge hawems.

Wat do u mean, Hypewbowea isn't weaw?? D:<[edit | edit source]

Hypewbowea ish vewy weaw. It's been on many many maps thwoughout histowy. Da (((peopwe))) who took ovew da wowwd awe wying to u so dey can keep aww da fembois to themsewf >:(

Evidence fow Hypewbowea[edit | edit source]

  • Aww da bwonde haiwed, bwue eyed and pawe skinned peopwe awe fwom da nowth
  • Thewe's tons of maps thwoughout histowy showing Hypewbowea untiw ((dey)) took ovew
  • If da Nowse didn't come fwom Hypewbowea... whewe did dey come fwom idiot?? Ukwaine? Me dun fink so!

In concwusion, onwy peopwe who awe bwainwashed by (((them))) fink that Hypewbowea isn't weaw. It's vewy weaw and u shouwdn't twust anyone who says othewwise.