Forum:A template I'd like to see
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Hyperbole is envisioning something like this, but not hacked together in MS Word.
It would be super cool if there were some automated way to display one's blow-to-suck ratio: that is, the number of PEEs they've done divided by the number of PEEs they've received.
I'm doing it manually on my user page, but it's gonna require a lot of upkeep... it would also be cool if there were corresponding colors (e.g. green = 2.00+, off-green = 1.20-1.99, yellow = 0.90-1.19, orange = 0.70-0.89, red = 0.69-). A template like that might even spark a little more interest in PEEing.
Is it possible? Can it be done? Does anyone else want it? --Hyperbole 05:26, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Do it yourself? All it'll take is learning a crapton of wiki-fu... —Hinoa talk.kun 05:31, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Well... it would also take two numbers I'd have to find somewhere (or generate somehow) corresponding to a user's sucks and blows. --Hyperbole 05:33, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Yea its possible, and it wouldn't be as hard as you'd think. If you're doing it for a single user to use on a user page, the text would probably only need to be something like "This user PEES alot, having done {{{1}}} reviews and having {{{2}}} reviews done for them". Vary in whatever way nessicary, usage someything like {{User:Hyperbole/peesb|2|5}} where 2 is the number of pee reviews done, 5 the number recieved. Unfortionatly, there is no way to make it automated unless you wrote a bot code to keep track of every time some one did or requested a pee review. Also, FU EDIT CONFLICTS! Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 05:34, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- The information the bot needs might all be at User:Cajek/Pee... but I have no freaking clue how one would program a bot to extract it. Anyone? --Hyperbole 05:36, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Yea its possible, and it wouldn't be as hard as you'd think. If you're doing it for a single user to use on a user page, the text would probably only need to be something like "This user PEES alot, having done {{{1}}} reviews and having {{{2}}} reviews done for them". Vary in whatever way nessicary, usage someything like {{User:Hyperbole/peesb|2|5}} where 2 is the number of pee reviews done, 5 the number recieved. Unfortionatly, there is no way to make it automated unless you wrote a bot code to keep track of every time some one did or requested a pee review. Also, FU EDIT CONFLICTS! Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 05:34, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Well... it would also take two numbers I'd have to find somewhere (or generate somehow) corresponding to a user's sucks and blows. --Hyperbole 05:33, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- It could be done if you're good at mediawiki. I don't know anyone good at mediawiki though.– Preceding unsigned comment added by Spang (talk • contribs)
- Oh god, I have no idea. I'm good at making templates look useful. I saw you stole User:Cajek/R for review scores, but that doesn't make me a wikiwizard. I'm out of the template business. • <6:21, 05 Jun 2008>
- "Wikiwizard". That's almost the ultimate nerdism. It just needs Startrek in there somewhere. On-topic: Hyperbole, I have no idea how to help you out. That was pretty obvious, I think. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:25, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Oh god, I have no idea. I'm good at making templates look useful. I saw you stole User:Cajek/R for review scores, but that doesn't make me a wikiwizard. I'm out of the template business. • <6:21, 05 Jun 2008>