Forum:"In the new" and "On this day..." are cluttering Main Page

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Forums: Index > Ministry of Love > "In the new" and "On this day..." are cluttering Main Page
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5228 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

The combined length of the "In the news" and "On this day..." sections in the right column of the Main Page is much larger than the combined length of the left column of the Main Page; this results in an imbalance of columns and a cluttered appearance on the Main Page. To solve this problem, someone should strip down the "In the new" and "On this day..." pages. --Sir gwax (talk) Signuke.gif 22:16, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for your suggestion. When you believe the "In the new" and "On this day..." are cluttering Main Page page needs improvement, please feel free to change it. You can edit almost any page on Uncyclopedia by just following the "Edit" link at the top of the page. We encourage you to write articles, since wikis like ours develop faster when everybody contributes. You can always preview your edits before you publish them or test them out in your userspace. If you need additional help, check out our getting started page or ask the friendly folks at AAN.
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--EMC [TALK] 23:50 Sep 22 2010

Now look here, son, I predate you by almost a year, so there's no need to quote boilerplate at me for being a lazy, crotchety old admin; you can be cleverer than that. --Sir gwax (talk) Signuke.gif 19:38, September 23, 2010 (UTC)
He can't. He really can't. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:32, September 23, 2010 (UTC)
Oh. You're that guy. Yeah, I remember you. Well, in that case, I made a special page with extra big font. Easy to read for old timers like yourself. --EMC [TALK] 02:57 Sep 29 2010
One time I used to be clever and then I met EMC here. The next day, my cleverness has disintegrated and left me with six tumors due to radiation. ~ Readmesoon 03:00, September 29, 2010 (UTC)