Final Fantasy

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This is a disambiguation page. This page could refer to anything on the list, or it could refer to Richard M. Nixon.
Who knows?

A Final Fantasy character in its natural habitat.

Final Fantasy is a series of RPG games whose titles are often considered "the best game ever" by basement-dwelling virgins everywhere. Famous for Kentucky Fried Chocobos, stupid steampunk bullshit, and a guy named Cid in every game (except the first one), Final Fantasy is sure to capture your imagination and twist it around its endlessly complex storyline until it bursts from the sheer magnitude of it all.*

*DISCLAIMER: Square Enix is not responsible for your brain in the event that this does indeed happen, and any cleanup (along with its cost) will be left to the original possessor of said brain. And no refunds, smartass.

Titles[edit | edit source]

Uncyclopedia has a page almost about each of the games if we don't count all the prequels, sequels and other interesting things that aren't here.

  • If you are looking for the first game, see Final Fantasy I.
  • If you are looking for the second game that really is the second game, see Final Fantasy II.
  • If you are looking for a game that features a moon, see Final Fantasy IV.
  • If you are looking for a game with a clown like supervillian or a game that has a female lead, see Final Fantasy VI.
  • If you are looking for the kabuki epic, see Final Fantasy VII
  • If you are looking for a game with Pokemon like creatures, see Final Fantasy VIII
  • If you are looking for the game with the monkey, see Final Fantasy IX
  • If you are looking for sappy romantic tales, see Final Fantasy X.
  • If you are looking for an MMORPG, see Final Fantasy XI.
  • If you are looking for a single player MMORPG, see Final Fantasy XII.
  • If you are looking for a extremely linear and fanboy argument inciter, see Final Fantasy XIII.
  • If you're looking for the second MMORPG, see this review: UnReviews:Final Fantasy XIV
  • If you were looking for the third and fifth games in the list above, look elsewhere because Uncyclopedia currently lacks a page for them. You're gonna have to revive them with a phoenix down
  • If You are looking for the Game with the busty female car repair chick,today's your lucky day,for you can make a page of Final Fantasy XV for absolutely no price !
  • If you are looking for the shitty cashgrab remakes of VII in which Tifas tits are 4 sizes too small, you could also make a page for FFVII remake/rebirth/whatever the fuck

Kefka - Laugh.gif
Kefka - Laugh.gif


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