The Chinchilla, also known as the Laser Shooting Rat Demon Thingy, or the Andes Biting Squirrel, is a small rodent which preys on animals' faces, then crawls down their throats and lives there while devouring them from the inside out. A chinchilla is well known for its ferocious roar of "cheese" at females whom they want to mate with.
They are rarely ever actually pwned by individuals. Pet store conglomerates such as PetSmart stock them, so employees can gleefully harass them with puffs of cigarette smoke during their breaks.
Though when they are owned by individuals, you must beware of the horrid cigarette addiction they have – they are Smoking Fiends! Between this and a heroin-like addiction to raisins, you may possibly be able to keep kittens away from being eaten by Chinchillas. When exposed to high levels of gamma radiation (such as can result from a nuclear blast or matter-antimatter reaction), a normal chinchilla will spontaneously mutate into the feared Fiendish Dire Chinchilla, a creature weighing over 1500 pounds and capable of reducing men and animals to piles of undifferentiated goo in seconds with their terrible, gnashing jaws. Only a limited wish, wish, or miracle can permanently destroy the Fiendish Dire Chinchilla. They also smell like brimstone and have flames for eyes.
Although some may doubt the veracity of this statement, Chinchillas possess a defense mechanism where they stand on their hind legs, and shoot a stream of urine when they become irate. They can't use guns, so they just decided to use second best. Their accuracy with this urine stream is pinpoint, and they always, always have at least a little ammunition saved for the right moment.
The flesh of the Chinchilla, when slathered in butter and cooked wrapped in tinfoil in the microwave, is a delicacy among many Native American cultures, including African Americans and Australian Americans.
After sex, the male chinchilla will make a foghorn sound to indicate to other chinchillas in the area that the gettin's good.
Uses of the Chinchilla[edit | edit source]
- Good eats.
- The Chinese use them for weapons (if rather useless weapons they be, they still are weaponry).
- Rumored that the yetis use them for a rare form of lacrosse, the chinchilla being the ball.
- Cuddlyness generator.
- SFU generator (softness for you).
- For CPR (Cat Population Reducer).
- (If owned) Best use: you can say, "I've got a goddamn chinchilla!" to anyone who says they have a good pet ... and yours will be better.
- Eliminate excess cigarettes/pot in your house, so your parents don't find anything suspicious lying about.
- Chinchillas like to run around in circles as well. They hate kids, too.
- Used by George Bush as scrabble letters.
Natural predators[edit | edit source]
Chinchillas have been at the top of the food chain for as long as they could remember. It was only until recently that the Chinchillas have become terrified at Oompa Loompas. These creatures have become a predator of the Chinchillas. It all started when the Oompa Loompas were introduced to the new world via the slave trade. The Oompa Loompa species have spawned throughout central America from that point, but soon disappeared for there was no chocolate.
Anyway, now that there is chocolate, the hideous creatures came back from motherland North Korea and spread out all over the Americas. They were soon to acquire a taste for these little rodents, as their fur gave the same effect as smoking does. The Chinchilla community was nearly wiped out, but our furry friends quickly adjusted by camoflaging themselves as fashion wear worn by humans.
Notes[edit | edit source]
The only other possibly conceivable predator of a Chinchilla is itself, humans do not count as predators because you only eat already dead ones.
If you see a chinchilla, look around to see if there are any Irishmen named Killian, if there is not, proceed with devouring. If there is ... leave as soon as possible, he built a chinchilla-eater capturing machine ... it will not go well.
Chinchillas have been made into coats, the only successful attempt came back to life and destroyed the country of Equador.
Further notes[edit | edit source]

- Chinchillas are known to be immortal.
- The only way for a Chinchilla to die is for them to get 'the killing dead undead immortals syndrome'.
- Chinchillas are the only creatures who do not fear Chuck Norris.
- They get this only when they become enlightened through meditating inside the inside of another mammal.
- Chinchillas do not have the nerve to meditate, however, they practice in smoking Cuban cigars.
- I like petting chinchillas.
- when they eat too much spicy (human) meat they become highly explosive chinchompa.
- They have terrorized Manhattan before, they will terrorize again...
- Chinchillas are dangerous to keep as pets. They will turn on humans as evidenced by the bloody Revolucion de Chinchilla.
- The victory over the chinchilla uprising is celebrated annually on Chinchilli Day.
- Chinchillas are experts in martial arts, bladed weapons, firearms and explosives.
- All chinchillas carry a knife which is hidden deep in their fur. You will never see the knife because if a chinchilla draws his knife the blade must be bloodied. If you DO see a chinchilla's knife it will be the last thing you ever see.
- Chinchillas evolved as a result of cross-breeding between saber-toothed tigers and giant short faced cave bears.