User:Xander/The Days/Plot
It's stated that The Days takes place in 4 acts lasting an hour long. Here is a compilation of all 40 scenes. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Warning: The following text might contain spoilers. This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that Tippi and Count Bleck were Timpani and Blumiere, respectively, the Elites, Hunters, and most of the Grunts all rebel against the Hierarchs and civil war ensues on High Charity, Lightning McQueen loses the race, Mister Glass was the mad bomber to begin with, Borat marries a hooker from Dallas and returns to Kazakhstan with her, DiZ dies when his machine self-destructs, Sasuke eventually kills Orochimaru, R + L really does = J, Sam Westing is still alive, disguised as Sandy McSouthers, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!! |
Act I[edit | edit source]
"Beginnings"[edit | edit source]
An unknown citizen moves over to a new house. Little does he know, he's going to accept an offer to join a gang. This gang, despite specializing in shoplifting and murder, they say that they do it for the greater good. Apparently, they know about how the government in their country is being corrupt and they are trying to bring them to justice. The guy precedes to unpack his things shortly after the conversation.
"Chuck Meets Frank (again)"[edit | edit source]
“Frank! It's nice to see you again. Something's not right. We have to do something about this.”
Viewer disclaimer: The Days takes place after the bad endings in Dead Rising 2. Following the introductory scene, Chuck meets Frank (again). They have a brief conversation about their day. Later, they discuss what's going on with the world. This scene introduces the main conflict in the film. Chuck and Frank then ride off in a motorcycle to an unknown destination.
"The Park"[edit | edit source]
At a park, Stan Marsh is going on a picnic with Rosalina. They engage in small talk for a little while when Antlions start breaking stuff. Stan manages to kill off all the antlions with his bare hands; after that, the two resume their picnic like nothing ever happened. There is an indicator as to Stan and Rosalina being a thing.
"This is a Robbery!"[edit | edit source]
“Nobody suspects a Wiggler.”
The PAYDAY Quartet is in the midst of a robbery, when a Wiggler spots them. He agrees to handle the bodybags for them. Eventually, they get into a chase with the Interpol which lasts for 35 minutes. The section ends without the outcome of the chase being undecided.
"The Greatest Game of Soccer Ever Played"[edit | edit source]
The Good Guys are enlisting several esteemed individuals to compete against the Bad Guys in a game of soccer. Some of these guys included a Koopa Troopa, Sly Cooper, and Bandana Waddle Dee. Opposing them are: security guards, a Juggernaut, and the afformented Gunman. They precede with the game by doing more realistic stuff (playing dirty) until the 80s-90s Sports Movie God came and exacted divine retribution on them. The good guys won because they played fair.
"The Cabal"[edit | edit source]
This is the most famous scene in this film. This is why:
“God fucking dammit, THE CABAL... DOES NOT FUCKING EXIST!!!”
“Oh, I've found it.”
“Don't you get smart with me! ***BANG***”
In a mission to dig dirt on the bad guys, some guys, led by General Colton enter the top floor of a skyscraper for clues to knowing their hierachy and exact operations. Some guys found manilla folders and briefcases, while one of them states his excitement for finding the cabal. Unfortunately, the general got pissed and when the guy found a copy of the port of the NES game of the same name, he shot the guy in the cheek with a M29 Trigun revolver. With the dialouge, it would guarantee an instant win for "Most References to Uncyclopedia in a Film". On a related note, this is a popular scene amongst the viewers; further boosting the reputation of the film.
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