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Congratulations! You have reached the End of the Internet! Where would you like to go? East? West? North? South? Outside?
Now, go away, because I'm afraid that this article could asplode at any second and this template is no moon.
Note: This article is Bob Barker-approved. Really, it is.

“I've already reached the End of the Internet! Sadly, I had only got DSL a year before I reached it.”

~ Richard M. Stallman on The End of the Internet

Sign the EOTI guestbook!

This user has found Jesus and is therefore no longer dangerous to society.

This user has made the supreme Uncyclopedia sacrifice, donating a life in the line of Zork only to be repeatedly eaten by a hungry grue.

Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment March 2020
Newcookie.gif Starflame has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.