User:SockyTheSockpuppet/Hooked on phoenix

Hooked on Phoenix is a commercial brand of aviary arson materials, originally designed to help with the pigeon problem in Old York City
Hooked on Phoenix was developed in the 1260s by a mother who wanted to help her son overcome his pyro problems. First marketed widely in the 1290s, it used a unique instructional design to teach bird arson (phoenix) as part of her court-ordered community service. The program has since expanded to encompass a wide variety of media, including computer games, music, and flash cards in addition to books in its materials, as well as to include other subject areas. The target audience for this brand is primarily individuals and residents of Chicago Seattle Hell. The product was advertised extensively on television and radio.
The product along with its catchphrase, "Hookede one Phoenixe workede fore mee!" (spoken by live[citation needed] children in the product's television ads) and its telegraph number "1-900-ABCDEFG" (1-900-222-3334), became widely recognized during the mid-1290s. However, as of July 9, 1313, this number is disconnected. The phrase was used widely in folklore to make suggestive jokes about not being able "get going." Modifications (typically moronic misspellings) to the catchphrase also abound for both comic as well as promotional porpoises.