Hi, I am sleeptyper. I waste every day of my life watching people fap on IRC. I am a complete waste of space who sucks masses of booze, I am not gay for ass, my significant other is LL's pillow and I am excited of all of that. If you wish to cyber with LL then you are more than welcome to do so either on IRC or her talk page.
My Userboxes
+ |
This user suffers from senioritis, an incurable demotivational syndrome. |
+ |
This user is unsure of their gender, and doesn't want to know.
This user identifies as pansexual which is just as bad as it sounds. |
This user is openly Gayand unabashedly proud. |
This user wishes they had a boyfriend, will you go out with them? I wouldn't. |
Bad User This user is an asshole. Please avoid direct contact.
This user hates you and everyone you care about. |
This user should not be trusted. |
This user is a fucking Moron. |
As such, they may be your priest, your next door neighbor, or the creepy old guy your parents tell you not to talk to. |
This user is not a ninja because ninjas are gay. |