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Demographic Language Miscellaney
United States
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
United States
Bottlenose dolphin
Eeek ahk sque'ek uhk kkkk'k squeek!
Bottlenose dolphin
One Fierce Beer Coaster icon.jpg
This user has more fun than a well-oiled midget.
One Fierce Beer Coaster icon.jpg
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes.
typo-F This uesr got na F in Tpyo adn likes their natiev lagnuage bettew (if they ahve one).
This user's head A SPLODE.
This user is a Mac User.
Eat up.
(List of Mac-Using Uncyclopedians)
typo-F This uesr got na F in Tpyo adn likes their natiev lagnuage bettew (if they ahve one).
This user's sex appeal is such that people around the world compulsively shout his name during intercourse.
This user is so Gentile that they cringe every time Barbara Streisand shows up.
This space for rent.
Lube available.
Call 1-800-666-6666.
Fortune cookie.png
This user is being held hostage in a Chinese fortune cookie factory! Military Intelligence is an oxymoron! Help!
Fortune cookie.png