User:Happytimes/VFD/Game:Multiplayer Chess

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Welcome to Multiplayer Chess, powered by The Cheat, Deep Blue and CommunismTM

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Here, you can challenge your fellow Uncyclopedians to chess games and pray that they won't take forever to move. To start a new game, fuck off copy this template below onto this page at the bottom:

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<div style="float: center;text-align:center;padding:5px;background-color:#F5F5F5;border: 1px solid #DDD">{{chessboard|img=gif|size=45<!--
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NOTE: This page is not for serious chess "action". For that, you may wanna try this--you don't necessarily have to challenge the page's User, and you're less likely to find complete dickwads.

Game #21 I think THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN[edit | edit source]

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Fuck players.

Hitler: Summons small group of body gaurds
Satan: lights those damn nazis up. Hitler survives, but his epic moustache got burned off so 
he's just a regular nazi now.
Hitler: Now that he is less of a man he seeks revenge by first killing Bowser =O
Shiva: Bitch-slaps Hitler with 6 arms. Now he's so little of a man he commits suicide by 
taking a poison pill.
Shane:I mean Satan: decides to bring back Hitler for the inevitable battle bettween satan and hitler
BENSON, Oscar Wilde, Shiva, 2 kittens and a grue: set up a final stand because they're like WTF 
man what about us
Hitler: launches a atom bomb which takes out a small chunk of satans army and...
a kitten
Satan: You forget who you're fighting. Satan LIVES in fire. The flames spawn new Demons.
Also, the kitten gives birth to another one.
Kittens: have more babies and take out some satanists
Oscar Wilde: Huffs all but one kitten, to be kept for... fun.
Yoda: says fuck you and carns noobs
Oscar Wilde: Has "fun" with kitten, spawning one more of each. Yoda jacks off to said kitty porn
hitler: is like wtf satans like ftw and has sexy time with yoda
Hitler and Satan: eventually their armies get confused and join in, all having a craaaaazzzzyy orgy
(don't worry, some of the satanists were chicks) and there was jizz and fur and nazis and fire 
Satan: WHOSE MISSING?! idk but who ever it was it was cause satan jizzed on them
Oscar Wilde: Oscar Wilde doesn't care about jizz, he does worse to his jacket in his dreams.
He just shakes it off and continues along.
Bowser: appears out of the jizz
Bowser: Has INTENSE sex with all the kittens, spawning a dicking cuntload of them.
Some Supream Force: ass fucks the board with black holes
Satan: JIZZ BRIDGE(a.k.a. Jidge)
tic tac toe cause this is fucked

Game #19-or-something Twinsoul vs. Twinsoul's baked friend[edit | edit source]

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Game #19? /White: Twinsoul/ Black: High person

1. Pawn reproduces with oneself
2. (no clue, we both had turns)
3. black kills himself them gets sent back to earth by goku
5. black queen blows up bowsers and a row of the board with her titty rays
6. Bowser takes black queen as sex slave and creates another bowser.
6.5. black king is wished back to earth by the dragon balls and saves his wife and kills 
7. Satan declares No More Dragon Ball References Because They're Stupid And Failure To Do So  
Results In Uber-rape By Satan
Oito. the nigger king and queen say fuck you satan and light his ass on fire along with his 
whole army. they then decide to reveal their invisible nazi army
Nueve. Black King's abrasiveness drives Black Queen Lesbian. Several other lesbians appear and
they have a lesbian orgy. Meanwhile, Hitler appears from the ashes of White's army, converting 
all his followers from the False Leader the Black Queen. Also, Satan Ressurects himself and 
all his apparently Satanist followers.
1followed by0. all the nazis kill the satanist because there not nazi enough then the nazis
have a civil war lasting about 3 to 5 seconds and hitler kills them all. domo herd the noise 
and saw hitler and emideatly turned gay unless he already was the point is they stated dancing 
and there hot moves started a fire around them so NO ONE can touch them.
Oneteen. That's not Domo-kun, that's a grue. The grue eats Hitler, and casts Seizure. Then
he has crazy sex with a Most Likely Dead Kitten, spawning kittens EVERYWHERE. Oh, did I tell 
you these Kittens aren't huffable? Also, Satan's back, on white's side because he hates  
Doze. satan has a seizure from watching DOMO's sweet moves. 
he then brings back the nigger crew and gets some action with the queen. 
the queens vagina is so tight that the friction starts a fire. ZOMG!
domo cums which takes out every thing but the niggers and the fire and 
him obviously
Negative Red. The niggers find some craaaaaaaazy Nazi Porn Hitler dropped and jack off to it.
They cum so much that they all drown in it, including the grue, creating an environment only  
Bowser can survive in. ZOMGWTFBBQ!
FATAL ERROR. Thanks to twinsoul the internet server has been mostly shut down.
The only thing that can be done now is tic tac toe.
Let the games begin! Black=X White=O
MORE FATAL ERROR. Thanks to Sha- I mean some Anonymous High Person, the interwebs
has been hacked. X pwns O in tic-tac-toe Deathmatch, without even trying to find the Sniper 
Rifle. It then remembers it's not playing Halo 3, and trails off somewheres. Meanwhile, Bowser
has sex with the Black Queen(which he's had hostage all this time, you were really using a 
fake) and fucks her so much she instantaneously spawns 3 more Bowsers. All the Black side has 
to fight now are the O's. And even then. Also, the fire is on the White side, because they're 
burning Crosses because they're in the KKK.
PART 1: The Rally: The KKK start burning their crosses and killing niggers in
their rally. But the nigger king and queen are very slick and and put on KKK
robes and join in. Meanwhile Bowser got booted from the server because 
Shan- i mean the high guy said so.
PART 1: The Rally: Part 2: I LOVE ME SOME KFC!: At first the black king and queen go unnoticed,
but then the KKK realized that their Fried Chicken Supply was emptied. Realizing what happened,
they kill the Black Queen and King (well, not before jacking off to the Black and White Queens 
having crazy lesbian sex) and have a Sexy Party With Many Lesbians. Usually, they'd kill 
Lesbians any other day, but it's okay because they FINALLY KILLED ALL THE NIGGERS.
PART 0: The Depression: The KKK rejoice, for they have finnally achieved their
goal. But after about three long milliseconds the realize that the have nothing 
to do. They then fall into a deeeeeeeep state of depression.
So they were walking through the forest and stumbled upon some 
MAGIC MUSHROOMS!! They then ate these and all had seizures. THE END??
EPILOGUE: You forgot the porn.

White Player: Twinsoul
Black Player: Anonymous
Grue: Himself
KKK: The entire Southern U.S.(in other words, themselves)
Bowser: Hitler
Hitler: Bowser
Tree Extra #7565467658947576789743460767643643658708563763465783637: -8

Game #18 Bowser vs. Lucifer's Fortress[edit | edit source]

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Game #X /Bowser: High Gen. Grue/ Lucifer: A. N. Otherpongo (Parp!/SB/Grueslayer/VFD//»Our Esteemed Oh-so-Quotable Founder)
1. Hitler D1 to D4
2. Hammer bro. throws hammer, knocks Hitler back
3. Lucifer E1 to E4
4. Hammer bro hits wall, Fire flower comes out
5. Lucifer to G6, incinerates surrounding squares
6. Koopa Troopas turn into Fire Troopas, surround Lucifer. Fire is eaten by Fire Troopas
7. Lucifer makes hasty retreat to E4. It also seems that two Koopa Troopas turned into three fire troopas. Please smite a troopa to 
8.*SMITE* Fire Koopa uses Fire shot
9. Hitler summons assorted Nazi stuff.
10. Koopa becomes a flame koopa, FIRE BLAST!!!
11. Swastika swings to H6, displacing fire in its path.
12. Mario jumps on Hitler /the swatisika, and the nazis, killing them all.
13. Lucifer shoots fireball at Mario. Pwn't.
14. Luigi jumps in and jumps on Lucifer's head. Pwn't.
15. Lucifer turns into an mighty fireball and rages towards G6. Incinerates Koopas.

Game #20: 4-player test[edit | edit source]

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Game #20: Four players, white starts, then turns are counterclockwise around the board. White: 19:45, 29 May 2008 (UTC)
1. White KP to E5.
2. White King is bored and casts Bottomless Pit.
3. I'm bored of waiting for someone else. Top left casts spiral beam. White pawn is pwn't.
4. Blinding flash dies away.
5. Black KP to D4.
6. Evil NP to E2. Check.
7. White Bishop casts Levitate and to D6.
8. KP to C4.
9. Black King casts Bottomless Pit. Pawn falls down bottomless pit. Pwn'd.
10. Evil Bishop summons Adolf Hitler.
11. Knight to H6.
12. Oscar Wilde is summoned. You do not want to know how.
13. Bishop to E3.
Message from Black: Help me out against Evil player.
White: Okay.
Evil: No.
14. Hitler casts Swastika Death! 3x hit
15. Evil side casts Destruction Fire!
16. Fire Flower spawns.
17. Swastikas fade.
Black King: I'M DOOMED!
18. White Castles.
19. Bottomless pit fades.
20. Oscar Wilde casts Quick on nearby White Bishop.
21. White Bishop to B4.
22. White Bishop to D2.
23. White Bishop casts White Wall!
24. Hitler to E2, summons Swastikas. 2 on G1 and G3 can't spawn due to pawns; 2 on E1 and E2 are instantly vaporized.
25. White Bishop smashes through Swastika on E3, grabs Fire Flower on F4, uses new immunity to flame to pass through flame on G5, and lands on H6. White Knight is kicked to G6. Check.
26. Swastika at F1 hurls itself at Oscar Wilde (B5), but is disintegrated by wall.
27. Swastika at F3 hurls itself at the Pawn at (D5), but is disintegrated by fire.
28. Swastika at G2 hurls itself at the Pawn at (D5), and hits!
29. Oscar Wilde to C3.
30. Black King summons Bowser!!!
31. Adolf Hitler casts Quick. Various pieces move.
32. White is ready for a combo attack.
33. Haste is cast on Bowser!
34. Bowser to E3, casts combo spell "Fire Cross" with White Bishop on H3 Red Swastika.
35. Flames die down. Destruction Fire wall dies down.
Hitler: What a worthless gesture. I have now taken out Bowser, and replaced the lost Red Swastika.
36. Hitler to E3, Bowser captured.
White King: You have made a tactical blunder, Hitler. Now you pay for it.
37. White King casts Quick!
38. White Bishop to E3, captures Hitler!
39. White Bishop to F2, captures Red Swastika!
40. White Wall down!
41. Bishop to F1, captures Unholy Priest!
42. Black donates turn to Oscar Wilde.
43. OW to F3, captures Horned Knight!
44. Evil side casts Absorb!
EK: Ha ha is YOU who have made the tactical blunder! DEATH RAY!
45. Evil King casts Death Ray!
46. Purple's entire army just got WIPED OUT!
47. White King summons Shiva!
48. Black King summons BENSON!
49. Shiva to H4!
50. Shiva casts HOLY!
51. BENSON casts BLACK!
EK: Ha ha ha...even together, you can't hurt me...
52. Just look at the board.
54. Flames die down.
White King: NOW! Summon the rest of the army!
55. White King casts Summon Army!
56. Black King casts Summmon Army!
58. Shiva casts Ice!
59. BENSON casts Ice! Check.
61. White turned the black queen lesbian.

Game sqrt(-1): ZERG RUSH KEKEKE[edit | edit source]

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Game #X /Black: White:CyberDiablo

1. Let's Go!

Game sqrt(-2): ZERG RUSH KEKEKE[edit | edit source]

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Game #X

2. CyberDiablo moves ultimate fucking something horsey thing (from: 4-F to: 6-E) and pwns teh negro pwn. And also makes a Swastika Graffiti before teh pwnage.

This Won't End with Sanity[edit | edit source]

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This Won't End with Sanity /White:Mack-the-Random/ Black:

Rules/Instructions[edit | edit source]

  • White tiles: Kills everything
  • Black tiles: Kills everything but fireballs
  • Seizure tiles: Turns everything into Goombas, which can be moved by either team
  • Fireflowers: Turns everything into a fireball
  • Stars: Turns everything into artillery tanks
  • Blocks: Turns everything into a Hammer Bro.
  • Mushrooms: Turns everything into kittens
  • Red Swastika: Turns anything but kings into Satanic Pawns
  • Black Swastika: Turns the black king into Lucifer and white king into Satan
  • Jedi: Can move any piece and itself; moves any direction, even northwest and such
  • Oscar Wilde: Turns anything gay straight; can kill anything on a dark tile
  • Shiva and the Lesbo Queen: Both move in the ways regular queens do; if their kings change into anything other than themselves they can change them back
  • Hitler: Turns Swatsikas to Karl Marxes and vice-versa; Summons Karl Marxes by killing pawns on own team
  • Bowser: Can make pawns Koopas and can summon Koopas if ther is a blano tile in front of him
  • Kittens: Turns anything straight gay

Other[edit | edit source]

Once you step on a special tile, it flings you to the tile to its right.

Moves[edit | edit source]

    Pawn to A3
    --Pawn A2 becomes Goomba!--
    --Goomba is tile flung to B3!--
    --goomba huffs kitten at tile F2--
    --Oscar Wilde rapes Shiva with tentacles--

Game Error[edit | edit source]

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Game Error /Grues: --User:Citation Needed/ Black and White:User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Rules:[edit | edit source]

Do whatever you want but copy the chessboard after your move. Also, put your name. Seizures turn you into grues. Pawns kill grues. No skipping turns. When grues move, they leave seizures. Grues kill everything.

Moves and chessboards[edit | edit source]

Move grue1[edit | edit source]

GRUE1. grue at d4 moves to d3
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User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Move white1[edit | edit source]

WHITE1. pawn at d2 kills grue at d3.
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User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Move black1[edit | edit source]

BLACK1. King casts WHITE on Chessboard.
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess qb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess rb.gif 8
7 Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif 7
6 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 6
5 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 5
4 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess g2.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 4
3 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 3
2 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h

User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Move Grue2[edit | edit source]

GRUE2: AGH! MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess qb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess rb.gif 8
7 Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif 7
6 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 6
5 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 5
4 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 4
3 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 3
2 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Narrator: You know, white is too bright for all of you.

User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Move White2[edit | edit source]

WHITE2: And, white is immune to white. queen bishop to e4.
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess qb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess rb.gif 8
7 Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif 7
6 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 6
5 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess bw.gif Chess wt.gif 5
4 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 4
3 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 3
2 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h

Move Black2[edit | edit source]

BLACK2: AGH! MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 8
7 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 7
6 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 6
5 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess bw.gif Chess wt.gif 5
4 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 4
3 Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif Chess wt.gif 3
2 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess wt.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Narrator: White has won.

User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

Move White3[edit | edit source]
WHITE3: King casts FIREBALL on Narrator.
Narrator: OWIE OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!!!!!!!
NARRATOR: Narrator casts WATERFALL on Narrator.

User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything] 20:31, 22 November 2008 (UTC)

Move White4[edit | edit source]
WHITE4: King casts FIREBALL on Narrator
NARRATOR: Narrator grants TWO MORE TURNS on Narrator.
White: You can't do that!
Narrator: Yes I can. I'm the Narrator.
NARRATOR: Narrator casts WATERFALL on Narrator.
NARRATOR: Narrator SMITES White.
Narrator: White is dead. Narrator Wins.

User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

Aftermath of the Aftermath[edit | edit source]
God: God is angry. Narrator should not smite.
GOD: God casts SLEEP on Narrator
GOD: God SMITES Narrator.
God: Narrator is dead. God wins.

User:Citation Needed[Citation needed for everything]

a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess qb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess rb.gif 8
7 Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif 7
6 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 6
5 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 5
4 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 4
3 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 3
2 Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>

4 Equal Signs[edit | edit source]

a b c d e f g h
8 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess qw.gif Chess kb.gif Chess qw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 8
7 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess qw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 7
6 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 6
5 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 5
4 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 4
3 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 3
2 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>

a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess qb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess rb.gif 8
7 Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif 7
6 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 6
5 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 5
4 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 4
3 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 3
2 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>

Pergo 3 on 3[edit | edit source]

a b c d e f g h
8 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 8
7 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 7
6 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 6
5 Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif 5
4 Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif 4
3 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 3
2 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 2
1 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 8
7 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 7
6 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 6
5 Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif 5
4 Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif 4
3 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 3
2 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess co.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 2
1 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 8
7 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 7
6 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 6
5 Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif 5
4 Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess .gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif 4
3 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess co.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bs.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 3
2 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 2
1 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 8
7 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess sz.gif Chess bk.gif 7
6 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 6
5 Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif 5
4 Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess bs.gif Chess gr.gif Chess .gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif 4
3 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess .gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 3
2 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bs.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 2
1 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 8
7 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif 7
6 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess co.gif Chess bk.gif 6
5 Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess bs.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif 5
4 Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess .gif Chess gr.gif Chess .gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif 4
3 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess .gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 3
2 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess .gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 2
1 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess bs.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 8
7 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif 7
6 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bs.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif 6
5 Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess .gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess bs.gif Chess g2.gif 5
4 Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif Chess .gif Chess gr.gif Chess .gif Chess gr.gif Chess g2.gif Chess gr.gif 4
3 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess .gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 3
2 Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess fb.gif Chess bk.gif Chess .gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif Chess bk.gif 2
1 Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess bs.gif Chess .gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif Chess ff.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2>

Return to "Game:Multiplayer Chess"

Special Squares[edit | edit source]

Special Super Secret Bonus Pieces[edit | edit source]

Bonus Piece Gallery[edit | edit source]