Welcome to my page, Uncyclopedians!
Greetings[edit | edit source]
Ello, mates. I'm The Martyr, known mainly as Mack or Mack-the-Random. In the Pokémon Internet Community, I'm known as Umber, Umber Birch, or Aether Outlaw. I enjoy watching Pokémon, Futurama,
The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report.
Do You Have A Secret Page?[edit | edit source]
Yes, I do. I move it each time someone finds it. Want to see it? Many have tried, all have failed. But still, good luck finding it!
Awards[edit | edit source]
WTF?[edit | edit source]
Thlds;bnm ,.vcx lr skj gylksfholdfjkgh.asejhfou dhfklsb;l kn lh gl;jkkuhl d fhjhfgnd;jh g kfd; l jasg hl dsf gljdrg hpsdfj WTF? sldf j hgas fdgk lh sdfkjgh lsdjv ljbnkodamf gjdifj, shl vxzxpi ufjsk.
My Opposite[edit | edit source]
There is something strange about yours truly. I have an opposite. That is, however, not the strange thing. My oppposite is nearly just like me, save for the red eyes, silver hair, and frizeaky powers. Why not go visit that ole' buddy of mine?