Hightech or simply put "same shit, different story" is a myth. Humans invented before the concept of invention was discovered yet and discovered inventions before Discovery Channel; it is obvious nowadays that the only high tech human beings know is a stoned guy usually mistaken for technician at CERN. Also it is significant how much time we spend catching Ipads like flue and Iphones like Pokemon, mine was disrupted during a fight with "Magnetron" precisely in my microwave. There before it is presented the thesis, but it is essential to consider the irrefutable fact that you need high tech, perhaps it is the only high thing you ever possessed. There are specific bonuses for possessing such a marvelous device:
- I am virtuously rich
- I am virtuously poor, but I steal things, the one above would be perfect candidate
- I am vivaciously addicted because nerd and only nerd-self exists in my mind that devour my psyche with updates every blink
- I am viciously confused by subliminal messages and very sure I want that! (That is a common postal box, mistaken for the ultimate server)
- I am so I do not need
- I am so I do weed
The concept of high tech may derive from big-tech itself, when different CEOs reunite at the dawn of a horrible brain storming, usually followed by massive Aspirin consumption and lots of Vodka, They decided to implement a new height order list of the products presented in stores, from the cheapest on the floor, to the middle priced at your hands to finally high crappy nonfunctional tech disasters, high, very very high on the shelf. The involved companies were that day: Microsoft, Intel, IBM and Google. Then there was another meeting next-door: Apple, Apple and Apple. Apple decided otherwise, the problem is not "high tech", but where to find It! In mind this question, They deliberately decreased the height of all shelves in Apple's stores from everywhere.
R&D[edit | edit source]
“I see r&d everywhere!”
The research and especially development are essential parts to create high technologies and in practice everything you may notice having buttons. It is believed that the more you invest in research the less you develope, this contradiction is better explained in the infamous smartphone theorem: [no name company]🍏 spends around 5.5B $ in r&d solutions but Samsung spends only 2.45 (nano)B $, just the cost for a cold and vaguely tasty coffee at Starbuck’s. Outside and without a chair. How is this possible?
The theorem states that if you have a “new” thing going in technology sector, like a WiFi toaster that sends you toasts in pdf, it is possible to do the same for a pen and treat this “new” invention like totally mind blowing alien reality… I have the room full of things that do toasts in pdf but I never had anything to read it!
This theorem was firstly appearing in late 2000’s when it was written in Snowden’s conspiracy about Big-Tech and Alice in Customerland; then forbidden to be even mentioned, especially in front of generic technical difficulties due to the violent verbal debate that arises from.
Our immense knowledge of high tech derive from late 80’s, when disco was the new bible and “like a virgin” the new nonsensical phrase. In this period many tech companies such as: Apple, A-pple and Pple-A’ became hungry for results, so many many billions were spent to create high tech research and development; other companies simply copied the work done by others, confirming that copying is the most effective R&D solution.
Direct consequences as Emoji is with every younger 😐:[edit | edit source]
- Anti-nuclear reactor: The only reactor developed to do Chernobyl in reverse; first people commemorate and remember, after then the reactor implode without emitting radiations, moreover It cleans up every massy farts on the earth surface.
- [ Every “not-so-finished” products ]Beta It is believed by almost everyone, (except for time-travelers and/or elders), that beta version of something It means You got the wrong some or thing; mysteriously the Betas of a thing is equal to their malfunctioning to the power of what You spent.
- Chindogu Tumblr: Imagine discussing with a Inuit about how shorter the winters are, commenting with Game of Thrones quotes, during summer holidays and nothing else to think about… imagine while It is reality!
- Disposable flamethrower: To make your GF’s heart melting with love for You, or at least burning down her house if the gift is disliked. Remember: always dispose It away from police forces or throw it away, killing a pedestrian in the process!
- Flash drive: The Flash can drive very high speed limits, but unfortunately He is human and humans cannot be considered as high technology due to the tendency of promiscuity with each other, I mean your coffee machine never fucked your fridge? Right?!
- Hyperdimension Sandwich Maker, right: (Invented after cited promiscuity above), this speaks about genuine intellect and serious biological issue.
- Interociter: On Sunday\Sunday\2021 happened that a/an Yanma killed mr/miss Sir Hymie Rae Tooten by being Raigeki'd, born on The End of Time in
America but exhibiting Welsh passport. We pray for his/her soul! May be in peace with the paternal great-great-grandmother and 0100011000Our Interociter Bot created the statement above!.
- Steve Jobs$$$: It is made clear that Steve was an update from Apple, expired after technical conflicts with himself, due to have the tendency of mocking others for his mistakes and himself for great success made by colleagues. This caused what medicine describe as nervous implosion of the pancreas.
- Kazaa: [ Norton has detected a virus in: C:\Program Files\KaZaA Lite\[…] why? WHY?! ]
- Laser Shark: New school of laser sharks have been noticed diving in Australia’s coasts and swimming pools. Be prepared to end like a CD, but eaten after DATA lecture. This malicious infection is provided to you by BIOTECH, for a better world, make sharks with laser!
- Music rating system: Perhaps the most mean thing ever invented! Mostly done by automation, sometimes it is carried out by the same guys you see parking in front of emergency exits and/or entries of public structures. It is common to them not hearing a note but being capable of distinguish what you ate the day before recording.
- ⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(1/5)
(… to be continu… …)
Examples (offered by dynamic polaroid™️)[edit | edit source]
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Infinite chip, fantastic processors of futuristic quantum computer
project abandoned due to recursive loop.
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