UnNews:Why do men objectify me, asks Ariana Grande
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Pop starlet Ariana Grande has revealed her disgust after a male fan approached her boyfriend Mac Miller and congratulated him on "hitting that".
The 23-year-old, whose hits include Love Me Harder, told UnNews: "I was really offended. I don't get why guys objectify me like that."
Grande's comments came in an exclusive UnNews interview, which took place just after she posted her reaction on Instagram, accompanied by a gorgeous shot of her in a Playboy Bunny outfit, which made the most of her slender, dusky charms.
The ex-Nickelodeon star also revealed during the interview that she was a perky 32b.
"I don't think it's wrong for a young woman to want to express her sexuality," she continued, before breaking into song: "Let me break you off // We’ll be taking off // Or maybe making love // You just keep your eyes on my you-know-what... what was I saying? Oh yes, I don't see why some men think they have permission to talk about me like I am some kind of sex object.
"Do you want my legs open or closed for the next photo?" (See below right.)
Grande explained that her choice of lyrics, music video content and general dress sense was all part of her art: "What a lot of young people today don't understand is that pop music and stark sexual imagery have always gone hand in hand.
"Did you know that Kurt Cobain frequently posed in his underwear to promote Nevermind? That Mumford and Sons used to perform their encores topless and smeared in baby oil? And that Bob Dylan's most highly-acclaimed video - Knocking On Heaven's Door - was three minutes of him twerking in front of the camera?"
However, Grande's complaints have not met with unanimous sympathy. Angry feminist Joanna Corey told UnNews: "Whenever you watch a video by a female pop or R 'n' B star, there are two fun games you can play.
"The first is to say: what would you think if a woman wore that outfit in the real world? If the answer is 'crack whore', you drink a shot.
"That one is called Crack Whore.
"The second game you can play is called Director - this one is for the guys. You imagine you are the director of the video, and that one of your best female friends - one you really respect and think is smart and talented - is the singer. Then you have to act out the scene in which you ask her to put that outfit on and dry hump whatever object the girl in the video is dry humping.
"If you are able to have the whole conversation without feeling like some pervy porn director, you win."
Corey believes that singers such as Grande need to stand up to directors: "Be careful with the sentence:'I am just expressing my sexuality.'
"Porn stars can say they are expressing their sexuality; strippers who blow the occasional client can say they are expressing their sexuality; child molesters can say they are just expressing their sexuality. It's not the ideal rule of thumb to justify the way you live your life.
"I would love to see female singers on par with men, where they are simply famous for their talent and creativity. We have to fight to defend the idea that a woman is not a man's plaything.
"Having said that, looking over these photos, I have to agree: props to Mac Miller for hitting that."
Try playing Director with this photo. Act out the moment where you ask a woman you respect to wear a black bra, a microskirt,
and press her high heels against her ass while pressing her face sadly against her hand.
- Leverage, "Ariana Grande Pissed Fan Gave Mac Miller Props For "Hitting That"" Hiphopdx, February 4, 2017