UnNews:OpEd Columns Editorials Letters/UnColumns

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UnColumns:Dinesh D'souza - The real problem with Newtonism

Uncyclopedia is proud to present an original column by best-selling author Dinesh D'Souza, best-selling author of best-selling books like What’s So Great About Christianity. Dinesh D'Souza's latest best-selling book is What’s So Great About Christianity. As of this writing, What’s So Great About Christianity has topped the best-seller charts on dineshdsouza.com for sixteen straight weeks; a record setting, best-selling run on dineshdsouza.com's best-seller list on dineshdsouza.com. The previous record holder, The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 held the top spot on the best-sellers list on dineshdsouza.com for over fifteen weeks. The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 was written by best-selling author Dinesh D'souza, who also wrote the best-selling book What’s So Great About Christianity. Both best-selling books by Dinesh D'souza, as well as other books by best-selling author Dinesh D'souza, are available on dineshdsouza.com. more...