UnNews:Nigerian girls 'hard to sell'

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12 May 2014

Human traffickers have complained that many of the girls are unattractive, with curiously ill-defined features.

Abubakar Shekau, leader of Islamic militant group Boko Haram, has granted an interview with UnNews in which he admits the 200 Nigerian girls he kidnapped last week have been "a bugger to sell".

Exclusive interview with Abubakar Shekau.

"I t'ought at de time dat it would be a good idea to kidnap many, many girls," he told us. "But now I have seen de light. It is a logistical nightmare. It is like trying to sell a gallon of whiskey, or a ton of butter, I can't find anyone who will buy dem wholesale."

Shekau also acknowledged he had made some mistakes in promoting the girls. "I asked myself: what do I want in a woman? And de answer was a good Muslim wife. So I made a video of de girls, showing dat dey had all converted to Islam. But it turns out dat dat put off a lot of de potential customers. De people who buy women don't want good Muslim girls. Dey want fire-breathing whores.

"I have tried to get de girls to watch some Miley Cyrus videos, but now dey are telling me dat it is haram."

Since the kidnapping, Boko Haram has been criticised the world over, with First Lady Michelle Obama ripping off her husband's old line about the Zimmerman case, saying "These two hundred girls remind me of my daughters - if I had two hundred of them I mean."

Shekau told us that that hadn't put off buyers, and that he had initially had a lot of interest from traffickers. "Dey like it when it's a bit naughty, I got many, many phone calls asking about my Obama girls."

However, when it came to it, traffickers were said to be disappointed with the quality of the stock. "I didn't take notice at de time, when I was kidnapping dem, but many of de girls have strange faces, soft features dat you cannot distinguish, and I tink dat dis is putting people off."

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