UnNews:FOX News notes coincidence between Obama pushing Health Care plan, celebrities dying.

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30 June 2009

North America, New York, New York.

Glenn Beck makes sappy looking faces to hypnotize the audience to stop Universal healthcare.

Today on the Glenn Beck show on Fox News Glenn Beck and Ben Stein discuss the connection between celebrities dying and Barrack Obama's Health Plan.

Ben Stein played many roles in Hollywood Movies like "Ferris Beuller's Day Off" and knows the celebrities that passed away. He told Glenn Beck today that Obama had put many celebrities on a "test run" of new Universal Health Care with cheap prescription medicine from Mexico. Mr. Stein stated that the prescription medication is not fit for Americans and that the Obama administration even cut costs further to get prescription medicine from China that may be tainted with such things as lead, plaster board, cyanide, benzene, rat poison, GAIDS, etc. That taking such medicine can lead to medical problems that Michael Jackson had such as sudden heart attack, and that it caused Billy Mays' head to explode, gave Farrah Fawcett cancer, made Bill Murray suicidal, etc.

Glenn Beck was shocked, and cried for a total of 5 minutes, and stated he was only crying because he loves the USA and does not want to see its citizens die in the same way these celebrities died in a Universal Healthcare system that does not work and only makes people sicker because they cut corners and used cheap prescription drugs that do not work too well and cause more harm than good. "Please please, Congress and President Obama, do not pass this bill. I beg of you, for the sake of humanity and the lives of the US citizens!" Glenn cried as he tried to wipe away the tears.

Glenn Beck stated that FDA testing is needed to stop contaminated prescription drugs from making people worse and that this new Universal Healthcare plan does not use FDA testing and just imports cheap drugs from Internet pharmacies (that also spam everyone to buy cheap Viagra, etc) that are unrated and nobody knows what quality the drugs have, and most of it comes from cheap knockoff chemical plants in China and other places that taint the drugs with almost anything to save costs. "Can't you see that you stupid healthcare plan is killing people, Mr. President?" sobbed Glenn Beck as he ended his show after passing out because his blood sugar level was low, because his staff refused to let him eat M&M's during the show and Beck is hypoglycemic.

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