UnNews:China is 'Too Communist for Olympics'
2 July 2008
BEIJING, China - China is the host of the 2008 Summer Olympics, one of the most important events that happens every four years. To have a city in your country be selected to host the Olympics is a great honour, but having it be selected only to have it move is not. Communist China has had the Olympics taken away from their city - Beijing - because they are "too communist".
Political Racism, you might say. Authorities from countries believe that the communist way of China will influence their people during the Olympics. So, to prevent that from happening, they decided to move the Olympics to a different city. Their choices were narrowed down to two: Taipei in People's Republic of China, and Baghdad in Iraq.
"We feel it is appropriate to have the Olympics in Baghdad, it will only make the community stronger and better during this time of war," says Bill Clinton some guy who is important with the Olympics. Taipei was chosen because it too is in china, but in Taiwan an island off China that is a republic, not communist. "Keeping it in China is a smart idea," said that guy above.
China was completely embarrassed for having the most humiliating thing ever happen to them. Maybe it will influence them to change to a different government party. Or will they stay the same and protest the Olympics forever? Perhaps they will change their political party; no one likes communists.
"It is the largest disgrace we have ever been given and for what? Our government party? Outrageous!" said Hu Jintao, the General Secretary of Communist China.
And from the two final cities, Baghdad was chosen to "Help the Economy of the city" and other stuff that has to do with the country's morale. They say it will "help with the city's stability and ultimately the entire country's stability."
"We feel we have made a good decision," says that guy from up above. "As long as nothing gets bombed, we will call this a successful year for the Olympics."
Source[edit | edit source]
Government Tyrant "Too Communist for You?" Wikipedia, 2 July 2008