UnNews:4chan users fix Budweiser horse naming poll

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4 February 2013

The adorable foal that evil internet users are trying to name.

St Louis, Missouri --

Users of notorious website 4chan have launched an attempt to fix the Budweiser vote on what to name the adorable 7-day-old foal that featured in the Super Bowl ad - and want to call it Cunt Face.

The site's "Random" board, by far its most popular and notorious feature, has minimal rules on posted content. Almost as soon as the ad, which warmed the cockles of the heart of every good American, aired on CBS, several threads were posted about the possibility of fixing the vote to name the foal. The debate soon became the most popular on the website, with many users expressing the desire to do something "big". A number possible names were put forward, ranging from the prurient to the racist, the pun-tastic to the tasteless, but Cunt Face gained an early popularity which snowballed.

The inevitable image the name conjures.

4chan has previous form when it comes to fixing polls. In April 2009, site founder Christopher Poole was voted the world's most influential person of the year by an open Internet poll conducted by Time magazine. The results were questioned even before the poll completed, as automated voting programs and manual ballot stuffing were used to influence the vote.

A source at Budweiser revealed that of the 50 million votes the beer giant has received in the last 24 hours, almost 49 million have been for Cunt Face. "The worst thing about it," we were told, "is that we had legal documents drawn up stipulating that the winning name could not be rejected under any circumstances. We are having an internal investigation but it appears the attorney in charge of the paperwork - who has since gone missing - was somehow connected with 4chan. I saw him only once, but he did kind of look like Pedobear."

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