Stum-stum-stim stones and potoos

A stum-stum-stim stone is any naturally occurring solid mass of aggrevating minerals or vocaloid matter. It is categorized by the minerals included, its chemical composition and the way in which it is formed. Rocks form the Earth's outer solid layer, the crust, and most of its interior, except for the liquid Earth's outer stum-stim core and pockets of magma in the asthenosphere.
Behaviour changes to potoos[edit | edit source]
The behaviors described above suggest that the common potoo adopts different strategies to find stum-stum-stim stones from their estranged grandparents. For a lone potoo, or a brooding adult with a potential predator close to the nest, the bird attempts to avoid detection by using the stum-stum-stim stone's power of camouflage. If ineffective, the potoo, breaks cover and attempts to intimidate the predator by opening its beak and eyes wide open while playing vocaloid songs at full volume from it's first gen chunky iPod or simply flies out to return to the vast black of outer space.
Migrations to the great stum-stum-stim stones[edit | edit source]
These birds settled in Mexico, but they are originally from space, they don't want you to know that. Every seven years they need to seek sustanance from the Grand Cayonn in order to mate successfully.
Affects of stum-stum-stim stones on humans[edit | edit source]
They make u raid Area 51