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This person can pronounce the ch easily.

Sabich, not to be confused with cebiche, the national dish of Peru, is an Israeli fast food. It's made of pita bread filled with boiled egg, eggplant, and plants. The plants are usually a salad made of tomatoes, cucumbers/pickles, parsley, and sometimes onions and/or cooked potatoes. The sauce is a combination of tahini and amba.

“I did not have relations with that pita”

Sabich is one of the most popular fast foods in Israel. The ch of sabich is pronounced like the sound you would make if you currently had egg, eggplants and plants stuck in your throat, and one of them is about to come out of your nostril, but you can't decide which one.

Tahini is peanut butter made of sesame and amba is spicy pickled mango.

Origins[edit | edit source]

Sabich used to be a traditional Iraqi-Jewish breakfast which became an Israeli lunch as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Sabich looks like a swollen vagina, which is very #MeToo because its main ingredient is the eggplant, which before getting fried looks like a swollen erect penis.

Sabich is one of the most colorful dishes of the Israeli kitchen: it is red, green, white, yellow, brown and orange all at the same time. The most important color, pink Eardrums.JPG , is not represented; that's what the cebiche is for.

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. This article is almost completely picture-free, since presenting a picture of a sabich sandwich without any sabich shop around is just a cruel thing to do.

The intro to this article is also quite colorful, I hope you keep it this way by not writing any articles about cucumbers anytime soon. Or just until Passover.

In Hebrew, the word sabich is an abbreviation of: Salad, Egg, More Eggplant. The same can be applied in English:


No one really knows how the word became an abbreviation of the ingredients; it is assumed to be some kind of linguistic witchcraft. There was also a person whose last name was Sabich who is the alleged inventor of sabich, and passed it on to his family, which just adds to the mystery.
Sabich requires fresh ingredients, and especially fresh pita. That's why people usually tend to buy it outdoors, and not make it at home where usually the pita must by microwaved and turned into an inedible white saddle.

But Covid is a bich.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. A sabich sandwich can be a very sexy thing since the tahina, when overused, might remind one of a splash of cum all over one's vagina.

“Sabich is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”