I Can't Believe It's Not

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I Can't Believe It's Not... is a common phrase often used within:

Pretzel disambig.svg

This is a disambiguation page – words should always mean more than one thing, and we're working hard to ensure that each word you look up refers to at least two completely unrelated articles.
If an article link referred you here, you should make it to point directly to the article where you think the confused link-maker thought it would point, or go nuts and pick one at random. Just make sure it doesn't point here.

I Can't Believe It's Not...:
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter | I Can't Believe It's Not Hitler | I Can't Believe It's Not Murder
I Can't Believe It's Not The Illuminati | iCan't Believe It's Not iPod | I Can't Believe It's Not Soylent Green | I Can't Believe It's Not Terrorism | I Can't Believe It's Not Existent | I can't believe it's not Liberalism! |I Can't Believe It's Not Funny | I Can't Believe It's Not A Hyperlink