Forum:Vote: Modifications to UN:SIG

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Vote: Modifications to UN:SIG
Note: This topic has been unedited for 1742 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.


As Zombiebaron has pointed out, for years we have been squinting at the images in each-others signatures, as they have been limited to a height of 15px. Or have we? An investigation, led by Denza, has found that the default user signature is in fact 16px, putting everyone, by default, in violation. This includes our venerated administrators (dill, Zombiebaron, etc), and even household names like Kippy, whose pickle was brutally cut down to size by ZB tonight over its violation of the 15px limit. Furthermore, many of our signatures of the past are also over this limit.

Following discussion on Discord, I propose we raise the height limit of signature elements to 20px or 25px, and following Uncyclopedia standards, bring this to a proper vote on VD.

If Symbol for vote.svg For., please comment the maximum height (20 or 25) you think UN:SIG should be raised to. I ask that you think of Kippy's pickle when casting your vote.


Score: +7


Score: 0