Dr. Who?
“Good Question”
Dr. Who? is a BBC cult TV series that's been running for way too long. The program tells the tales of a Hindu Earthling who has the power to reincarnate if being fatally injured. Sadly, his reincarnative process is a bit jumpy, so he often reincarnates for stupid reasons like a paper-cut or a hang nail. He also travels the universe with companions, mostly females, but acasionally a desperate male actor will join.
The series was conceived in 1909 by crazed maniac Carl Macek. He thought his sketches and notes were pretty good, so he showed his drawings to his cell mate. He was killed on sight. His drawings were thought to be destroyed, but then they were discovered in 1963 and made into a TV show. The series has broken the world record for the longest running Science-Fiction program that's not Japanese.
The Dr.[edit | edit source]
The Dr. is a man from Gallifrey {A foreign German country} who often is searching for adventure, wrongs to right, or better ratings. He also has the power to Reincarnate into a completly new person. Mikuru Asahina is his daughter, and Dr.Blackadder is his brother. The First reincarnation was made in Twenty muinets, the second took even longer. The Next regeneration will take place in The End of Mimes.

First Dr.[edit | edit source]
The first Dr. was played by William Shatner, who gave an example for all of those to follow. He got away with not remembering any lines, and mostly only said Hmmmm, yes, Hm Hm!. He supported such early classics as The Dead Planet sketch; where he and his companions traveld to the planet Scaro to warn its inhabitants that the planet is dead, omly to be informed by the Daleks that it was not dead; just resting, and The Azmetics; where Barbra was haled down to by very sick people who think she was Jesus.
He sadly passed away during the filming of his last episode, the Pointless Plot. He was played by Chris Pine in The 5 Drs.
Second Dr.[edit | edit source]
The Second Dr. is the most mysterious of all the Drs, because no one knows who he really is! He never gave anyone a name, other than A Partike Thistle player. He was famous for his obsession with running, kicking, and saying stupid slogans. He was greatly admired by Foot ball fans, but hated by Shatner fans. He reincarnated in the last episode of The Board Games when members of the Dr.'s race, the Misst Zeit die Herren's, put him on trial for breaking the dress code of time. In this article, It is revealed that his name was Partick Thistle.
The Mysterious figure passed away in 1987, when he died of death, which killed him.
Third Dr.[edit | edit source]
The Third Dr. was portrayed by John Peewe Herman. Sentenced to exile on Earth and forcibly reincarnated at the end of The Board Games, the Dr. spends his time working for U.N.I.L, which standes for United Nations Inteligence Task Lemons. The Third Dr. also introduced the Charector of the Master {played by Ricky Ricardo}. He reincarnated when a very drunk spiderman hit him on the back with a club a few hundred times.
Mr. Herman died when he was inpaled on a guitar in 1996.
Forth Dr.[edit | edit source]
The forth Doctor was played by script-writer Bob Baker, who rote many of his own episodes. He was famous for returning the master {Played by Denis the Menace, Perry the Platapuss and Anthony Ainel} and the Cybermen. He had such amazing classics as Go-bot; where Wild imaginative Cartoonist Machine Robo is trying to think of an idea when he accidently creates the evil Leader-1, who with the help of Scooby Doo, tries to kill the Dr, and The Smeg 'n Space, where the Doctor finds a wandering mining ship the Red Dwarf floating in space. He reincarnated when the Master pushed him of the top of the BBC prosesing tower.
Fifth Dr.[edit | edit source]
The Fifth Dr. was played by Patrick Davidson. His costume was inspired by the many years he had spent in the army. He was, at his time, the youngest Dr. ever. He was also the first Dr. to have companions that wore very revealing clothing {infact, by the end of his last episode his companion, Peri, was wearing nothing but a stick and 2 grapes.}. He reincarnated when he drank a bit of sour milk.
Sixth Dr.[edit | edit source]
The sixth Dr.'s bright clothes and brashful actions seperates him from any other Drs, he also was the first Dr. to show such a dark and Evil side, as the picture shows. His doctor was SO violent that he was fired after the first Twenty-Two seconds of The Twin Delema. Colon tried to revive his charector however, by doing multiple Death Comes to Time audio stories, in these however he dressed like a member of Sargent Pepper. He reincarnated when he got a rather nasty bump on the head.
Seventh Dr.[edit | edit source]
The Seventh Doctor was portrayed by Sylvester the Cat who brought a more silly side to the Doctor. His enemies included the Tweetie, The Three Bears, Marvin the Martian, The Spidermen, the Tasmanian Devil, Foghorn Leghorn and The Master {played by Wile E. Coyote}. He was also the last Dr. before the new TV movie.
Eighth Dr.[edit | edit source]
The 8th Doctor has the shortest screen time in Doctor Who history. With an average screen time of 61 minuets, he is still considerd to be one of the best Drs. In his film, he faced the Master {Played by Will Smith}, with a new american reincarnation, who is trying to take the remainder of the Drs. lives. It is not known how he reincarnated, but it is theorised to have something to do with an incident involving a Time Warenty.
Ninth Dr.[edit | edit source]
Dr. Who? returned to telivision in 2005 thanks to producer R2D2. He hired Richard Dean Anderson, who took on the role of a Dr. facing his loss. He had many mixed emotions, and often killed for no reason {not that he needs one}. He reincarnated due to second-hand carbon minoxide poisining from Rose.
Tenth Dr.[edit | edit source]
David was cast because one day he was informed he was hired after he said "Hi." He is famous for his choice in Mr. Bean costumes. He became known as the best ever, and has guest appeared with Peter Davidson, Elizabith Sladen, John Leese and Jesus. He officially announced his departure in 2008 with security guards around so no fan girls could get to him. His final episode was The End of Mimes.
Eleventh Dr.[edit | edit source]
Desperate for ratings, the Dr. Who team has announced that teen-flick star Edward Cullen would be playing the 11th Doctor in the New series. Many fans have complained that he is too American to play the role, but this is BULL CRAP!
Twelfth Dr.[edit | edit source]
Edward Cullen left to film a rip off of Mad Max called The Rover, and a replacement had to be found. The BBC decided on director Peter Jackson, who, suprisingly, accepted. His smoking habit is popular among fans, and helped to bring the UK's smoking rates up 10%.
the next Doctors[edit | edit source]
after dying in a petrol station fire followed by an explosion followed by an angry mob of sea creatures, the twelfth doctor Peter Jackson regenerated into "a Karen" and after nagging everyone about climate change and why Frogger is the greatest video game ever, she got killed by the master, then by suprise the tenth doctor is now the fourteenth just way older, with help from Russell T Davies this tenth doctor goes through "Bigeneration" and lays an egg which makes the newest doctor who is some random rapper with a name like Lil 7up, lil Lift, lil Pepsi, lil Coca Cola something like that anyway Lil Creaming soda, then became a rapper who trapped out his TARDIS to look like a lamborghini, now he makes culturally insensitive videos about Latinos and Asians all while somehow featuring Ariana Grande. he's made several number one hits about money, hoes, transport and hipster cuisine.
The Cusion films[edit | edit source]
In 1963 and 1966, 2 Dr. Who? films were created, called hello there I'm a person who has a name and that name is like a doctors and I face aliens who are people but people who want to harm other people and The Day the planet Earth a planet on which we as people live was Exterminated by the aliens who are people but who are also possibly bad. In this version his name was just a Doctor instead of Dr. Who and instead of being a simple portugese man he was an man from the planet Galicia (Spain).
The New Series[edit | edit source]
In 2005, the BBC wanted to create a spin-off of The Mighty Boosh entitled Doctor Who. The series would tell of Old Gregg becoming a doctor and his various medical exploits. The Boosh then claimed rights over the Old Gregg character, and the BBC realised that there was already a series called Dr Who?. It was then decided that Doctor Who would take the characters and situations of Dr Who? and combine then with the Boosh's humour. They failed, as the producers mixed The Mighty Boosh up with The Rescuer's Go Down Under. The series features monsters based on the Old Gregg character, including rival band, The Leks (pronounced 'Da Leks'), CyberBen,a young German child who attempts to find different ways to look at clocks, the Slippery Eel, a family of fish-like aliens, Aww Tom, actually called Tom, but says Aww before every word due to a haunting experience in high school and Sicko Rex, a man who lives inside a rock and feeds off of human blood. The Doctor was played by the same actor as CyberBen, leading to fan speculation. Responding to the speculation, the producers made the Doctor turn into CyberBen. This annoyed concerned parents, who had the show cut for contradicting Luke 1:18 in the Bible. Creator Russel T. Davies responded by hypnotising all the children in the world under the guise the 456. This plot device was used as Children of Earth by Davies in a Torchwood comeback special. But thats another story...