Uncyclopedia:VFH/Care Bears

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Care Bears (history, logs)

Article: Care Bears

Score: -2 rainbow colored bears

Nominated by:  SIR Peasewhizz de NY Biblio HOS Awards 02:03 3.01.13 02:03, 1 March 2013 (UTC)
For: 1
  1. N+F  SIR Peasewhizz de NY Biblio HOS Awards 02:03 3.01.13
Against: 3
  1. Mydixaflopin Limp boner. Difficult one to vote on. It's much more well-written than I would have expected but the middle section is pretty filler-y. Not a lot of jokes, just more carrying on of the initial idea that the Care Bears aren't what they are in the cartoon. Lots of run-on sentences, starts to get very dull to read. Needs some pruning and an injection of funny (and the XKCD comic has to go), but it could be feature-worthy with a little bit of work. -RAHB 00:47, 5 March 2013 (UTC)
  2. Symbol declined.svg Against. It's okay as an article but when it comes to talking about featuring it, it does nothing for me. Could perhaps do with a bit of work first. -- Lost Labyrinth It's Britain bitch! (t)(c)(a) 19:01, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
  3. Symbol declined.svg Against. Snippy 01:24, 9 March 2013 (UTC)


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