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This article was one of the Top 10 articles of 2011

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Revision as of 01:52, 16 August 2011 by TKF (talk | contribs) (LOL i suck)
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Welcome to Uncyclopedia,

Today's Featured Asdfjfjlksdjf; - Killing Babies is Fun!

Baby kill.jpg

Baby blood, baby blood, everywhere.

Baby blood, baby blood, in my hair.

Baby blood, baby blood, on the floor.

Baby blood, baby blood, on the door.

Baby blood, baby blood, on the walls.

Baby blood, baby blood, down the hall.

Baby blood, baby blood, in my house.

Baby blood, baby blood, on my spouse.

Baby blood, baby blood, down the street.

Baby blood, baby blood, all over ME!

Recently featured: Maiming Babies is Fun! - Stabbing Babies is Fun! - Eating Babies is Fun! - Drowning Babies is Fun! - Shooting Babies is Fun! - Kicking Babies is Fun!

Did you know...

Me and you.jpg
  • ...Me iz awesom? (pictured)
  • ...Me iz doing you mom?
  • ...Me iz kicking you butt?
  • ...Me iz sexy man?
  • ...Me iz sooper smrt?
  • ...Me iz making doody in you fud?
  • ...Me iz famus and rich and stuf?
  • ...Me iz stil awesom?

In the news

On this day...

King me.jpg

Today: Nashonal Wurship me day

Today's featured anal sex:

Me with ladies.jpg

Me iz realy graet.

Image Credit: Me
You iz a tushy face - You haz bad breth - Me pwn you

Awesome Articles!

Anyting me rote cause me iz awesom!!!!!

Me awesom recent articles | Peeple wanted to reed me articls | Nun of my articles need rewrites | Me articles iz no stubs | Me no lonely, me wid you wife | Me peed on you face | Try riting about how awsome me iz | Me no stuck, me genius | Me haz great ideas

Writer of the Month n Noob of the Moment

Me win everyting. Praise me.

Me iz Writer of the Month | Me iz no noob but me iz Noob of the Moment | Me iz Uncyclopedian of the Month | Me iz a Winner

Uncyclopedia's sista projects

Uncyclopedia iz hosed by me, an rich n very profetable persom that also hoses a range of oher projects.
It rhymes with news you putz
ConservapediaConservapedia logo.png
The trusworthy encyclopedia
UndictionaryUndictionary Logo Text.png
Ha ha, you said dick!
No, I'm not wearing any
Hitler Project Hitler Project
Conservapedia's founder tells all
Instructions and guides on how to go eff yourself
UnBooze UnBooze
Booze, glorious booze
UnDoody UnDoody
I maed a yuky doody
UnFunnyUncyclopedia Puzzle Potato Notext.png
What this is
Tats where me iz
UnSwearsUnAnswers logo.png
All seven words
Iz me so hot?
UnPiss UnPiss
We can ruin the couch and rug too
We'll tell you why you suck
UnBestiaryUnBestiarylogo notext.png
Bestiality galore

Uncyclopedia Languages

Thiz stiny doodoo shart, stared in 2005 (TEN YERS BFOR E WUZ BURN) currenty containz 39,404 artcles uncyclopedias are bean writn in many languages:

Me speek evry langeage so me can read all uncyclopediaz and they suk and im smart and uncyclopedia iz not as cool as me cauz me iz really cool and uncyclopedia isnt
btw encyclopedia dramtica suks to and so does everyting that is not me

Protected by Stupid, unfunny losers, and an elite clan of Shitheads.

Cream of the Crap
This article was one of the Uncyclopedia:Top 10 Articles of 2011
Top 10 articles of 2011
Me pwn.jpg
Teh awsomest ting eva! (read another featured article)
Featured version: 16 August 2011
Smite lightning.svg
Über-Featured Article
This article wasn't just featured on the Main Page, it became the Main Page.