World War

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“Do you want to see some boring Chic flik with your Girlfriend.I BET YOUR ASS YOU DON"T!.Then sneak out and come see the World War series I,II,III,IV because it has explosions,nazies,and sexy communist chicks.Avaliable on DVD today!”

~ Some Guy on World War series!

World War is a highly successful franchise of belic conflicts that has swept the world -it's in the name, after all. The World War franchise has managed to achieve the kind of war that everyone had talked about, yet no one had the guts to pull off: a war where everyone in the world was involved. This is why it's considered one of the most revolutionary of its genre, and has achieved a cult-like following which can't wait for the next installment in the World War series to drop.

List of wars[edit | edit source]

World Wars
I | II | III | IV | V |
World War Revolution | World War Collectors Boxset | The Video Game | The Sequel to the Video Game | The Board game | The Film | World War Craft

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