User talk:CardcaptorStacey
Bow Down To Me![edit source]
Talk about me here. Make sure you sign it too! ~ Cardcaptor Stacey 14:09, 8 June 2006 (UTC)
CardCaptor Stacey! Tere was no other way to contact you that I could see. I have Yuffie cosplay for your website! I've finished her outfit from Kingdom Hearts, and I'm in the middle of her outfit from Advent Children. ~ MissEmsily, July.4.2006
Hello! :D I've just noticed that my email doesn't show in my profile. I'll sort that out tomorrow. Wow, that sounds so cool! May I see? ~ Cardcaptor Stacey 20:58, 4 July 2006 (UTC)
Yesss, absolutely. Im going to take a newer picture, though... cos the one I have makes me look terrible! Ill send it your way tomorrow. And yeah, its way cool. I've just found some boots to alter for the new costume... I'm very proud of my work. Best cosplay ever. ~ MissEmsily, July.5.2006
Excellent! Sorry for the late reply. Just remembered to sort out. My email is inside my profile ~ Cardcaptor Stacey 18:26, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
Fanlisting[edit source]
I noticed you set up an Uncyclopedia fanlisting. Good idea. (PS. I joined) =D -- SonicChao Babbel!Contribs 17:11, 21 July 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks :) I love this place! ~ Mistress of the Clow ~ Cardcaptor Stacey
[Talk] [Work] [Uncyclopedia Fanlisting] 17:27, 21 July 2006 (UTC)
So what do you do with the cards?[edit source]
Hi there, CardcaptorStacey! If you don't mind, I'm going to refer to you as "CCS" for the time being, what with the per-character fees and all that. Sorry it took me so long to reply - I had some personal stuff to attend to the last few days. Anyway, what's with the name? Is that another Japanese anime reference of some sort? I hope you weren't offended by my thinking you were Japanese... An easy mistake to make under the circumstances? And do they really have conventions in the UK where people dress up as manga and anime characters, or is that just something they tell Americans to, you know, freak them out and stuff? I know, too many questions... c • > • cunwapquc? 05:00, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
- Hi ya! :D Alot of people call me CSS or just Stacey, so that's fine. About 5 years ago I wanted a decent username...a tried out a few and didn't like them. At the time, Cardcaptor Sakura just aired in England and I fell in love, so I just added my name to Cardcaptor and it's stuck ever since. :D I'm not offended at all, so don't worry about it :) I heard we have conventions (and people do dress up but it's not as common as USA :P), but I've never been to one. ~ Mistress of the Clow ~ Cardcaptor Stacey
[Talk] [Work] [Uncyclopedia Fanlisting] 17:32, 27 July 2006 (UTC)
Thank you for your compliments[edit source]
Thank you for your compliments on my article on chopsticks. And, seeing as that you're not an admin nor have any featured content(yet), I give you this award.
:)[edit source]
Uhhh heyy I'm a new user on Uncyclopedia but i've been surfing these pages for a long time now and i felt i should make an account. This is going to sound lame, but i could really use your expertise because you seem like a genuinely funny person who is also knowlegeable (Did i spell that right?) Anyways, thank you for even taking the time to read this, and have a good day ;p oh and i made my first article called Speaking and i was wondering if you could help me out with it or share some tips? I don't know if i have what it takes to be funny (or atleast not lame and stupid), but im not as malicious as other new people on here talking about stupid things ANYWAYS tyvm LOL peace xD