Terraria Expanded Universe

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Terraria Expanded Universe was created by Alex, along with Andrew Hussie and Jesse McMinn (who would be known as the Power Trio) as a way to explain most of the phenomena that occurs in the lovely game. The term also refers to the setting of most of his works. It lays out the guidelines for monsters and friendly beings and how their worlds link up with ours. For instance, one can be able to access the realms in very special places in our world. Some of the ploys presented may prove a point, but Alex can come up with some pretty crazy theories.

Rules and Restrictions (Our World and Their Worlds)[edit | edit source]

  • When entering a world, you exist in the universe. This means that if you die in real life, you'll be alive in there. The opposite is also true. In here, you are classified as a "hardcore" character- mess up or you're screwed. Then again, you only live twice.
  • You don't see your characters in your worlds. The reason being is that they have to exist as plushies or toys of a similar value.
  • All blocks are measured to be exactly 2 feet high and 2 feet wide. Because these rules say so, you can bring a sample of palladium ore and bring it to Earth. In there, the block will appear as pure palladium. For more on this section and how it can benefit mankind at the time, refer to the role of Crystalis in the Terraria universe.
  • Slimes can ingest your weapons, so they'll be a lot harder to deal with. Take caution.
  • Any method of transportation such as cars, planes, or tanks will explode violently upon their entrance in a world. The reason being is that "It would be scary."
  • All weapons and tools made from tungsten can penetrate armor, making them more useful than ever.

In the lovely game[edit | edit source]

This applies to works which put exclusivity on the players.

Lives[edit | edit source]

In here, the Masters can impose the gift of limited life to his inhabitants. According to Alex, they gave the characters limited chances at life as a way to test them to see if they are worthy of persisting- saving their worlds by keeping them purified.

THEY'RE PLUSHES!!!![edit | edit source]

Taken from the article on Boris, a denizen of TEU:

“In order for a Terraria character to make it out here, he/she must be made into a Plushie.”

~ Alex on how our characters make it out in our world

Due to system limitations, if our hero dies, then he goes off with a bang. This was justified by the fact that he was a plush at the time. Then again, they are effectively immortal.

Sweet Dreams[edit | edit source]

When Alex was watching an episode of Extra Credits regarding the depiction of Cthulhu as a physical being that can be contended with, he came up with a rebuttal as to how the Eye and Brain came to be: The reason why you're able to fight the various parts of him because this universe is centered around a big dream. To be precise, Andrew's dream.

"Everybody gets a Journal Act"[edit | edit source]

Because Andrew got all his ideas for this universe with a journal, all characters created will get a journal of their own to record their adventures. Eventually, some will make it out as best-selling authors. A good example of this act would be the documentation of Natasha, the girlfriend of Boris.

The Lastnameless Rule and Character Creation[edit | edit source]

Usually, in most works, most of the characters don't have last names and their origin is unknown. Traditionally, they don't come from any family whatsoever...

However, there exists characters with whimsical last names, but their mention in stories is somewhat rare. The best explanation for how your character came can best be justified with the Poof, There It Is Theory and leave it to that.

Pragmatic world design[edit | edit source]

Taking cues from Starbound (which is also part of it), TEU contains loads of original content, meaning that most of the sights seen don't appear normally in the game itself. Jesse McMinn was famously known for his use of originality when writing one of its most famous works, "Le Leyenda de Maxx." The prevalence of alien planets and somewhat absurd creatures has further justified its image. To an extent, some of those features serve as a nod to the propositions imposed for future updates. Once again, Alex is fond of the usage of shout-outs when creating his works.

Wiggler and Toon Link's Role[edit | edit source]

Andrew's Work.png

Despite having absolutely nothing to do with it, Toon and Wiggler play a very important role in the universe. As stated numerous times, they are obscure characters in their respective franchises and are perfect for representing the basic values of the game. In fact, several other works in it reinforces these doctrines; in addition, they go well together (No, not in that way). Lastly, Toon Link is far more pragmatic in them as opposed to his series for reasons unknown. Some can say that these measures were taken in order to make him unique in the midst of the Wind Waker controversy- allowing him to be associated with the lovely game in a way.

Crystalis[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time, when SALT and its predecessors were ignored, a great nuclear war was launched. On October 1, 1997, the world was blown back to medieval times on what would be remembered as "END DAY." With all remaining knowledge, the last humans constructed a tower high in the sky and relied (a bit too much) on the tower's defenses to prevent any future catalcysms. Little did they know that their ploys would fail in desparate times. However, a ruler by the name of Draygon would rise to prominence using a combination of science and magic to rule over the world. Meanwhile, four wizards used their ppwers to create 4 swords which would be capable of defeating the dreaded ruler if they were combined. However, he got word of this situation and had them scattered across the world. Using their life forces, they risked it all to resurrect somebody who would be capable of taking on Draygon's forces. Eventually, the hero, Simea, rose to the challenge- forming the titular sword and defeating the emperor, preventing him from securing the tower. What is expected from it in TEU is that there may be a time when the Earth is on the brink of destruction and plans for emigration have to be considered. With ample amounts of living space, the various worlds in Terraria would be suitable for this task for they are just like Earth with some minor exceptions. As long as everyone is capable of defending themselves from the various evil creatures, then there wouldn't be much to worry about.

Works that take place in TEU[edit | edit source]

The category should explain all aspects of work taking place within it, but redundancy must be put into consideration. However, there are a series of "forerunners" that exist to help bring connections to the hidden past. In the meantime, it is growing and its history has yet to be fully comprehended. Thank you and good night.

See also[edit | edit source]

External link(s)[edit | edit source]