User:Uncyclopedia is freakin gay

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this page is currently run by aliens caffeine and hamsters for more Rubbish go to my studies room

bu-0 This user does not speak Bullet and may result in injury if does so.
DIFF H This user plays Video Games on the highest difficulty available because they like to get the most out of their games and thinks you should too! Git Gud everyone!
342px-Psp45.svg.png This user owns a slick lookin'
Sony PSP
This user is right-handed.
In Latin, they would be Dexter.
Cazal "Legends" 163 Sunglasses.jpg
This user's future is so bright, they've gotta wear shades.
Cazal "Legends" 163 Sunglasses.jpg

yourbuttismine so Respect my autoharitah!
yourbuttismine so Respect my autoharitah!
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Caffeineisachemicalwhichmakesyourreallyhyperandexitedandgivesyoulotsofenergy andandstttuff. Itsfoundincoffee andchocolate andbawlsandenergydrinksoohmanthiscupsgood. Idrinkthosethingsallthetimeanditmakesmefeelreallyhyperandexcitedandstuff. PeoplesayIhavetoomuchcaffeinebutthey'retotallywrong;Ionlydrinklikefifteencupsofcoffeeadayforcristssake.

your options[edit | edit source]