User:Simsilikesims/Praise songs
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What would happen if we really THOUGHT about what praise songs say? As an experiment, I am going to analyze a song called "Word of God Speak".
I'm finding myself at a loss for words[edit | edit source]
Ok, this doesn't really help me write here. Obviously, this song doesn't want to be written about or really thought about. After all, how can one analyze a song without words? Maybe this song is suggesting that I think in pictures, or smells, or sounds instead. Like the sound of the guitar and keyboard that accompany this song. Ok, next.
And the funny thing is, it's okay[edit | edit source]
When is finding oneself at a loss for words okay? Obviously not when one is trying to converse with someone else or convey a message to someone else. Perhaps when one is inspired. Okay, so I'm supposed to be inspired. So inspire me.
The last thing I need is to be heard[edit | edit source]
This is not normal. Normally people write in order to be read, or speak in order for others to listen. It is an unusual person who doesn't want to be heard, perhaps someone with low self-esteem. That used to be me, but then I went to therapy, and improved my self-esteem. Since I don't want to be heard, why exactly am I singing, anyways?
But to hear what You would say[edit | edit source]
Listening is good. Paying attention to the other one in a conversation is good. Okay, so we are supposed to be listening for God's voice. I still don't hear it yet. Maybe because I'm still busy singing and listening to the music.
Word of God speak[edit | edit source]
I've heard of talking books, but never a talking full-length Bible. Then again, if I wanted to literally hear the words, I would have gotten a briefcase full of cassettes, or a spindle of CD's, or maybe a DVD full of mp3 files (with all 50-something books of the Bible, at least one mp3 for each, the Psalms alone probably a 2 hour recording). Maybe an emotional response is what the song is about here, I guess listening to the music works for that. Not enough for me to raise my arms like the gal just in front of me did though. Peer pressure, sigh.
Let it pour down like rain[edit | edit source]
Wait a minute, are we talking about falling water, or falling Bibles? Either way, this doesn't sound good. I don't want to get my Sunday clothes wet, nor do I wish to be bruised by large falling Bibles from the sky. Please don't let it pour down like rain.
Washing my eyes to see your majesty[edit | edit source]
How about that, see and majesty rhyme! Why couldn't I have thought of that and written a praise song myself? I'd probably make a small bundle, which would come in handy, seeing as I'm currently unemployed. The only problem with this of course, is that nobody can look upon the face of God and live. A simple eyewash isn't going to change this, sorry. Even Moses could only see God's back, so don't tell me that changing your attitude would let you see His majesty. Unless we're using majesty in a broad sense, like when one views the sunrise, the sunset, or a scenic view. Then again, inspiring views are fairly easy to find if you get out in the wilderness enough. Too bad I don't like hiking and camping. Hiking makes me out of breath, and camping means I have to sleep on the cold ground. Unless I had an RV, or an air mattress, neither of which do I own. Say, God, could you arrange it so I get an RV? Without too much effort or loss on my part?
To be still and know that You're in this place[edit | edit source]
If I was going to be still, why am I still singing? Silence is nearly impossible to find anymore in this modern world. Again, the song asks me to quit analyzing it and just give a positive emotional response. Well, at least the tune is nice.
Please let me stay and rest in your holiness[edit | edit source]
Is holiness restful? Only if someone else is doing it, and I don't have to. Otherwise, holiness is difficult, if not impossible, and not restful. Then again, I might find myself envious of the one who is holier. Envy certainly isn't restful, either. Then again, I wouldn't want the job of running Creation, that sounds like too much work.
Word of God speak[edit | edit source]
Deja vu. Haven't I heard this before already? I can sit at home and ask my Bible to speak, but it won't literally make a sound. Basically, I guess we're asking for a mind-meld with God here, but I think that would blow our circuits if it really happened, God not being understandable by human standards, and all that. I don't know about you, but I don't want my circuits overloaded.
I'm finding myself in the midst of you[edit | edit source]
Okay, so the church is supposed to be a sacred place. I suppose I should get in a sacred frame of mind, or at least a frame of mind to listen to the sermon. But usually I find myself checking the time to find out when the sermon will be over. Good thing modern sermons don't last several hours, like they did centuries ago. Then after the service, I can go to coffee with my friends. Mmm, coffee.
Beyond the music, beyond the noise[edit | edit source]
Okay, so they weren't talking about an emotional response to the music, after all. Now they tell me. And by the noise, I suppose they mean the drums and the sounds of people singing (a few off-key). I was ignoring the off-key people anyways. I suppose this means I should go to the sacred space in my head. Ommmm....
All that I need is to be with You[edit | edit source]
Wait a minute, God is everywhere, not just in church. So I'm with God regardless of where I go whether I'm in church or not. Spooky, I'm being watched ALL THE TIME. Even when I'm on the toilet. Now that's just kinda creepy.
And in the quiet hear Your Voice[edit | edit source]
But it isn't quiet in here. Maybe I should sing more softly, so that its quieter. Well at least it will be quieter when the pastor is giving his sermon. Then again, too much quiet is just boring.
(Repeat chorus 2x)[edit | edit source]
Just in case the message didn't sink in the first time. I know, I know, shut up and listen to the sermon. I got that message. Now I'm just waiting for the sermon.
I'm finding myself at a loss for words and the funny thing is it's okay[edit | edit source]
Again, deja vu. The song doesn't want me to actually think about it, just accept its message. Well, I may not be saying anything, but I have several thoughts that I will keep to myself.
Conclusion: Most praise songs do not lend themselves well to intellectual analysis.