This user is Canadian…and stands for truth, universal health care, and HOCKEY games! |
This user plays bass, because it attracts groupies without the need for excessive rehearsal time. |
This user plays guitar, because it attracts more groupies, and gets more solos than the bass. |
This user is Catholic, and believes articles become featured through good works, not faith. |
Born in Schlafarchtenmachteinehabedichinmeinelebennach, Germany, Sic One was quickly thrown on a boat and sent over to Canada upon his birth. With no parents to raise him, Sic One soon became...well homeless, what else would he be -- STUPID. But anyways, ya so no one to care for him, Sic One decided to rob banks. And that's what got him here somehow. Living the life with a beautiful 12 year exploited girl from Asia, and a fancy box, things for Sic One have become perfect.
- I Love Chocolate On Your Buttocks - 1991
- I Got Yellow Fever - 1993
- Dis Aint No Gangsta - 1995
- I Want You To Butter My Bun - 1999
- Ich Will Zu Ficken Deine Mutter In Die Esel! - 2002
- Everyone Lives In Amerika(Except 6.2 billion people) - 2006
- Window Revolution - expected release in late 2007