Pee reviews for: EpicAwesomeness
Article: Function (mathematics)
Pee Review from Shabidoo
Creativity: | 9/10 |
You are yet one more of uncyclopedias creative writers. Ideas I found particularly creative: "mathematics proves that hell doesn't even exist",the long spelt out number, horsemen of the intellectual appocolypse, "comdemn the rights of mathematics", "cancer-like cancer", "mind wiping super weapons", "symbolic termintes", "look honey, I solved calculus", "filled with reality and dog feces". Theres nothing I can say that is lacking in your creativity, except that the "people are stupid and we should move back to a society were math is learned, lived and respected" does get a little tiring and finding new and creative ways to do this or adding a third dimention to the article would help a lot, both for the creative content of the article and its humour as well, which brings us to the originality of the article: |
Originality: | 5.5/10 |
As per originality, I give you good marks for not just turning out an article that talks about how stupid functions are...and instead with a multi concept piece. At the same time, calling functions as something that was once great and now lost to simple minded popular culture, is not the most original idea either. It's really difficult to keep things fresh and innovative, and I'd suggest to you that you always try. I'm sure that having time to think about it (after a super fast 36 hour contest) you might be able to re work some of the ideas and or sections to write into this article more than an academic sounding treatise on the decline of math to simpletons. Ideas:
In any case, being super original is not the end all of article writing, but if you add that third dimention (or concept) to the article, your material, creativity and humour would shine out a lot more. |
Cleverness: | 9/10 |
Who would have known that horse testicals could magicaly fit into a sentence about Tibetan ipads on an article about math functions. Some users might not like it, but I certainly do, and if you have to be crass, it ought to be done as though it naturally belongs in the article, which you did well. Through out the entire article infact you find inteligent and witty ways to compare the math genius to the mundane and sad every day life. I give you full full marks for cleverness. Your article is overflowing with it. I also like how you returned to the tebetan i-pad idea towards the end of the article. We often forget to bring up ideas and examples from the beginning of the article and you did this well. |
Content and Images: | 5.5/10 |
Your prose is excelent, well written with a consistant style and as far as I can tell, good grammar and spelling. Now that you'll have more time, do try to find a more original image and clever captions. Find images that a reader wouldn't expect and drop a caption under it that gives it sense. I always find images and captions are at least one third if not more of the article reading experience. So 5/5 for narrative and 0.5/5 for images. |
Points for whatever reason: | 10/10 |
I'm giving you a full ten here. Its obvious that you put a whole lot of imagination, energy, creativity and in general lots of work into the article. |
Final Score: | 39/50 |
There is so much great material and the potential for a super article. I don't think much would need to be changed to make it one of the best of the competition. As I mentioned earlier, get some better images and consider adding a third dimention to the article, and come down a level on the "people are stupid, so idiodically stupd dumb idiots" and no doubt you'll have a featurable article. |
Comments: |
Score and Comments from Wilytank[edit | edit source]
Score and Comments from PopGoesTheWeasel[edit | edit source]
Score and Comments from Mattsnow[edit | edit source]
Made me smile a lot. Your prose is just awesome! Mattsnow 22:58, February 14, 2012 (UTC)
Score and Comments from Joe9320[edit | edit source]
Score and Comments from Chief[edit | edit source]
I liked this one. I wasn't expecting much from it to be brutally honest but was pleasantly surprised by your take on the subject. The only complaint I have is that the prose is somewhat overwhelming at times, I understand why but I'd probably look at trying to separate it into some more sections and maybe add some more images? Just a suggestion, good work.
Final Score[edit | edit source]