“I salute you, sir!”
“Truly one of the greatest minds ever to grace this earth.”
Ollie Garkey, born Oliver Rand Garkey, is the best user evar. Coming events will prove this fact. It will be truly epic.
This fucker speaks American English heavily laced with profanity that would make a fucking asshole sailor blush from all the g*******d blasphemy. |
This user is fae Bonnie Scotland and'll shove yer granny aff a bus if she's no made tiffin
This user enjoys indiscriminate pillaging. |
This user is a Sniper and has their rifle pointing at your head. |
This user is a native speaker of Bullet and can fire high-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.
This user only speaks Français enough to seduce native Français speakers. |
This user only speaks Deutsch enough to seduce native Deutsch speakers. |
This user only speaks Español enough to seduce native Español speakers. |
This user only speaks Italiano enough to seduce native Italiano speakers. |