User:Iwillkillyou333/Whale Wars

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Current Edits[edit | edit source]

Whale Wars is a documentary-style reality T.V. series. Despite the name it has nothing to do with whales killing each other over territory or oil, but about an environmentalist group trying to stop Japanese Whalers from killing innocent, defenseless, friendly whales. The show isn't like a boring ol' teaching show 'cause it has lots and lots of action; much like your mom. It involves ships, whales, blood and all that cool stuff.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The show is about a group called the Sea Shepherd who's main goal is to stop the evil killing of normal whales. It primarily takes place in the icy waters of Antartica, where their ain't shit but seawater and icebergs. In this area, a great crime in the history of the Animal Kingdom comes to fruition: whale genocide. The Minki whales are constantly killed by the Japaneses, simply because they are not do-gooders. Along with the Minki Whales are the Fin Whales, though they aren't usually as hunted as the Minki Whales because they prefer to watch Full House all day. However, the Sea Sheperds intervention makes it harder for the Japanesse whalers to get any whales

Characters[edit | edit source]

Paul Watson and the almighty Steve Irwin

Paul Watson: The founder of Sea Shepherd known by many names. Called "Guardian of the Sea" by American advertising campaigns promoting the show, and "Terror of Japan" by the Japanese commerce group, are by far the most common known to humans. The nom-de-plume most famous is the moniker given by the whales themselves to him, the "Whale Messiah". As a former member of Greenpeace (an older activist group) he has credibility beyond most reality T.V. monkeys. However, Watson made peace with the green organization when he left because he felt they didn't do much more than save Central African gibbons and hold picket signs. Watson reasoned a life of environmental terrorism actionable servitude suited him better.

Former[edit | edit source]

Peter Brown: A former crew member, Peter brown has been involved in Sea Shepeard for a very long time (since 1982 to be exact). He is favorable by fans of the show, but not some the crew members, because of his "I love to piss people off" attitude. He left because of insufficient funds, possibly because he's American and because of the economy. He still, however, like pissing people off, mostly Japanesse people, for obvious reasons.

Ships[edit | edit source]

Sea Sheperd[edit | edit source]

Steve Iwrin Named after the great Steve Irwin, this ship has one main goal; to stop whaling once and for all. Its color is jet black to put fear into many whalers.

Nemo Originally titled so to cash in on the popularity of the Disney movie of the same name, this orange, white and black painted boat currently maintains it's position in international waters to avoid excessive lawsuits.

Japanesse[edit | edit source]

Nisshin Maru Considered by Watson to be the most "evilesh" ship of the entire Japanese Whaling Fleet, the Nisshin Maru is the considered to be the 'mothership' of all 'whale wars'. After a given harpoon ships catches and kills a whale, its carcass is brought to the Nisshin Maru where it is processed, packaged and marketed as 'delicious' to mainland Japan residents. The whales are cut open and have their guts dumped out into the sea. Sometimes special country specific packaging is used to take advantage of the illegally sold black market _____ throught the world. many times Whale blow (hole) is sold as an aphrodisiac or ground up into a dust like powder known to be tons more effective than kitten huffing when used recreationally. This ship is the main focus of the Sea Shepherds anti-whaling campaign.*

Enola Gay Ironically named, this little known Japanese harpoon boat is, da bomb.

Reception[edit | edit source]

Happytimes edit below[edit | edit source]

Not sure where to go with this, the easy targets are drugs & sex, but you may want to figure out some kind of different tie-in too. (I also added some categories.) Good luck.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  09:05, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Whale Wars is a documentary-style reality T.V. series. Despite the name it has nothing to do with whales killing each other over territory or oil, but about an environmentalist group trying to stop Japanese Whalers from killing innocent, defenseless, friendly whales. The show isn't like a boring ol' teaching show 'cause it has lots and lots of action; much like your mom.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The show is about a group called the Sea Shepherd who's main goal is to stop the evil killing of normal whales. It primarily takes place in the icy waters of Antartica, where their ain't shit but seawater and icebergs. In this area, a great crime in the history of the Animal Kingdom comes to fruition: whale genocide. The Minki whales are constantly killed by the Japaneses, simply because they are not do-gooders.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Paul Watson: The founder of Sea Shepherd known by many names. Called "Guardian of the Sea" by American advertising campaigns promoting the show, and "Terror of Japan" by the Japanese commerce group, are by far the most common known to humans. The nom-de-plume most famous is the moniker given by the whales themselves to him, the "Whale Messiah". As a former member of Greenpeace (an older activist group) he has credibility beyond most reality T.V. monkeys. However, Watson made peace with the green organization when he left because he felt they didn't do much more than save Central African gibbons and hold picket signs. Watson reasoned a life of environmental terrorism actionable servitude suited him better.

Ships[edit | edit source]

Sea Sheperd[edit | edit source]

Steve Iwrin Named after the great Steve Irwin, this ship has one main goal; to stop whaling once and for all. Its color is jet black to put fear into many whalers.

Nemo Originally titled so to cash in on the popularity of the Disney movie of the same name, this orange, white and black painted boat currently maintains it's position in international waters to avoid excessive lawsuits.

Japanesse[edit | edit source]

Nisshin Maru Considered by Watson to be the most "evilesh" ship of the entire Japanese Whaling Fleet, the Nisshin Maru is the considered to be the 'mothership' of all 'whale wars'. After a given harpoon ships catches and kills a whale, its carcass is brought to the Nisshin Maru where it is processed, packaged and marketed as 'delicious' to mainland Japan residents. The whales are cut open and have their guts dumped out into the sea. Sometimes special country specific packaging is used to take advantage of the illegally sold black market _____ throught the world. many times Whale blow (hole) is sold as an aphrodisiac or ground up into a dust like powder known to be tons more effective than kitten huffing when used recreationally. This ship is the main focus of the Sea Shepherds anti-whaling campaign.*

Enola Gay Ironically named, this little known Japanese harpoon boat is, da bomb.