This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Engrish. |
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there. |
This user's IQ is over 51. |
Hello! I am the User Dondokken and, unfortunately, I do not speak English, but I use those things like Babelfish or Google Translate. Do not kill me!
The Order of Desciclopédia
All of my images are made by the user PAULODVDRW.
Preciso da ajuda de algum brasileiro ou português (que fale português, claro) para me ajudar a criar os artigos, ou se for o caso, um americano; inglês; canadense; australiano; neozelandês; jamaicano; etc... que fale português. Tenquiu.
In ugauganish: Uba umba bumba uga uga ugamba gamba gumba bambambam (bumba uga aguga guga buga, buga) uga uba uga uga unga gumba, uga uga uba tumba kumba kamba, bomba; gumba; bamba; tumba; ganja; uga uga... uga tumba kumba. Uga uga.