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I am a Goa'uld possesing a crayfish, also know as a Cray'uld.


Story of Self[edit | edit source]

I am both Bat Fuck Insane and Ape Shit Crazy. I have ADD so I can't... uh... Sorry, I can't pay attention long enough to make a page. Kitten Huffing is fun but puppy huffing is dangerous. I blame everything on hippies, communists, George Dubya Bush, and you. Crayshack.

Intellegence[edit | edit source]

Intelligence? Intellegince? Intelligince? Fuck it! Spelling isn't important. What was the question?

This user's IQ is over 120.

Life-style[edit | edit source]

I am God of Crayfish so I spend my time trying to conquer the world with my shelfish armies or running crayfish politics and scocial matters. For dinner I eat the brains and hearts of people who annoy me and drink the blood of my enemies.

Education[edit | edit source]

I got my basic education at Stoner High School, but afterwords forgot everything.

Templates[edit | edit source]

Templates are fun!

The iBox 360, an entirely original product.
Can someone please tell me what this is?

Title[edit | edit source]

I herebye (WTF) claim the title of Template Master!

Most Templates/ Userboxes
After searching I have decided that I have the most templates and userboxes, and deserve a prize.
Most Templates/ Userboxes