Wrong page. Wrong Site. Wrong Browser. Wrong computer. You see the content here on this page?, of course you don't. (No that stain on your computer screen does not count, it's mustard and nobody likes mustard) These words?, they are just figments of your unimaganation and some of that Chinese food from last night(What did you expect?, it had a made in china stamp on it).
Hello. The only major thing you need to know about me(why would you want to know anything about me, and why are you even on this page?) is that I am clueless, utterly clueless.(How do I use user boxes?) I have an obsession with completely random things. Here are some of them:
North Korea
Mayan Civilization
VASMIR plasma rocket
Attila the Hun
Quantum Mechanics(yes, I understand some of it)
Ulysses S. Grant
This user is Catholic, and believes articles become featured through good works, not faith. |
BS |
This userpage is bullshit. |
This user rejects the theory of global warming, or at least thinks it's someone else's problem. |
This user is a complete, irredeemable elephant. They are Bat Fuck Insane, and ASPLODE at a cockroach. |
This user is EXTREMELY RANDOM Be advised: Approach with caution and a sense of humor. |

n00b |
This user is a n00b. |
This user is running into problems with their page. Please hold onto your pants. |
This user is right-handed. In Latin, they would be Dexter. |