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-Your school's bully on anti-vaxxers

Anti-vax propaganda

Anti-vaxxers are fucking delusional maniacs that believe the only true thing that stops diseases doesn't work. Like the Flat Earthers they are dumb as shit, low IQ as fuck, have a few screws loose in their heads, and do not use any facts or evidence to prove their arguments. They usually worship the Satan incarnate Hillary Clinton and believe dumb oils will stop measles, or even believe measles is good for you. What the actual fuck? People actually believe this!? That's pretty fucked up!

What crazy delusions they believe in[edit | edit source]

As you can see the "vaccine that causes autism" is just another fairy tale critter that belongs with all the other fairy tale critters!

Anti-vaxxers for some retarded, low IQ reason believe that vaccines cause Autism even though you only get that shit at birth and it is a mental disorder, not a disease. They also believe that vaccines are the Devil's work, but pretty much every dumbass "puritan" or "catholic" scumbag believes that as some dumbass excuse for a reason why they don't like something rather than coming up with actual evidence something is bad.

Secondly they believe. "Since your kids are vaccinated, it shouldn’t matter that I don’t vaccinate mine." This is a complete horseshit argument, because other kids are at risk to catch a disease and spread it and start the next black death. THAT'S RIGHT KIDDIES!!! THE ANTI-VAXXERS WILL BE THE NEXT BLACK PLAGUE! GET YER PLAGUE DOCTOR OUTFITS ON AND WALK DOWN THE STREETS RINGING HAND BELLS, BECAUSE SOON THE STREETS WILL BE A MASS GRAVE FULL OF CORPSE PILES!

Third off they believe that herd immunity is a myth. This is bullshit, because they don't understand what herd immunity even is.

Forth off they believe Doctor's don't know anything about vaccines or diseases. BULL... FUCKING... SHIT... Doctor's go to fucking medical school and get fucking training in this shit! THEY WASTE 8 YEARS OF THEIR LIFE STUDYING THIS SHIT and what do you know about medical science, you dumb fucking soccer mom? NOTHING, THAT'S WHAT! You probably graduated with some dumb ass liberal arts degree and your only knowledge about medicine is some dumbass article on the internet on some lame stream media site that's full of yellow journalism and clickbait! You wouldn't know shit about curing disease if it snuck up behind you and snapped your little pink bras off! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT AND STOP ABUSING YOUR CHILDREN, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY GO FUCK YOURSELVES!

How they exploit their "movement" just to get away with child abuse and baby murder[edit | edit source]


In reality we all know that they exploit this "movement" to get away with child abuse, because they hate babies and children. They are pro-choice fuckwads who had a failed abortion so they just look for the next best way to murder their children, because they HATE CHILDREN AND WANT TO SELL BABY ORGANS!!!!!! They make this whole "not vaccinating kids" thing look like a good thing to make them look good so they can get away with fucking baby murder. When you see these people don't trust them! Help out the child! Smuggle their kid to your local CVS or Wallgreens and give them vaccines immediately! You'll be doing them a favor! A BIG FAVOR!!