Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/What happened after you broke your window with the Wii remote

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What happened after you broke your window with the Wii remote[edit source]

Captain Nerd 16:47, 2 May 2009 (UTC)


Humour: 5 It's pretty funny. Not super funny, but pretty funny. I think that it would be more funny if it was written from the first person rather than the second person. ("I" instead of "you") That would probably make it a little longer too. Which leads me to my next point; make it longer. The humor is there, you just need to extend what you already have. Unfortunately, the only way I can think of adding more would be to rewrite most of it, maybe even all of it.
Concept: 7.5 Good concept. Like I said above, I think the main thing you should change about it is the second person perspective. Personally I think the concept is good, it's just the execution that needs work.
Prose and formatting: 2 This is where the scores are going to start to go down. Basically your article has no formatting except for the larger words. What I'd recommend doing is looking at other articles then clicking the edit tab and just looking at it. (that's how I learned a lot about formatting) After doing that try making a subpage to your user page (at your user page just add /{article name} to the address bar) and play around with formatting there.
Images: 1 No images. You could either go to UN:PIC and request images there or you could just go to google (or another search engine) to find an image that would go well then give it a caption. The code for putting pictures from uncyclopedia in your articles is [[Image:Image name|thumb|caption]]
Miscellaneous: 3.8 Average
Final Score: 19.3 I'd recommend rewriting this entire thing just because the changes I recommended would be awkward if you simply changed it over. Of course you could just choose to tidy it up a little and add pictures.
Reviewer: --JackOfSpades (talk) 18:32, 2 May 2009 (UTC)