Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/UnBooks:A UTP: Dating Adverts From Hyrule

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UnBooks:A UTP: Dating Adverts From Hyrule[edit source]

GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kemador CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 05:02, November 1, 2010 (UTC)

Humour: 2.3 Ok, let's get down to buisness. I didn't like this article. It didn't make me laugh at all. The main reason for this is that you didn't provide any sort of variety in any of the "ads". All I saw was a list of people saying the same boring, frankly disturbing things. Dating ads are not the same as porn ads. Don't confuse the two. To make these ads dating ads, you'd need the characters saying something along the lines of "I like long walks on the beach...etc". For example, it'd be funnier if, say, Link said that he'd like to be with someone that "...appreciates daily walks in Hyrule Field..." or something along those lines. Having 5 or 6 guys (and girls) just saying how much they'd like to fondle boobs is just not funny and just really repetitive.
Concept: 8.0 I like this concept, and kudos to you for thinking it up. With great execution (and some maturity), this could actually be really funny and could delve into what could be the kind, sensitive soul of Ganondorf and other characters just wanting to be loved.
Prose and formatting: 4.6 This article doesn't actually have a whole lot of text to look at. It's mainly just a few horny lines from each character, and an oversized picture. If you could expand on the more sensitive side of each character, this would give you enough text to make it seem like a decent-sized article. Encyclopedia articles never look that great with great big gaps filled with nothing.
Images: 7.3 You've got relevant pictures, which is a plus. But I think it might be better to steer away from the YouTube Poop and maybe take some pictures from the more popular console games. I think that this would help people associate with the characters more easily and make your article as a whole seem more recognisable. You can keep the Poop pictures for some of the lesser known characters, but for the main three (Link, Zelda and Ganondorf), I think they would benefit from being shown as they appear in some of the more recent games (Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, etc).
Miscellaneous: 5.6 Your average score.
Final Score: 27.8 On the whole, this article is not good. It doesn't have much substance to it, and it seems more like some distrubing fan fiction that an Uncyclopedia article. Uncyclopedia articles have the ability to make you laugh out loud, and this just bored me. If you had made some of the characters different and not so overtly horny, maybe you would have yielded a higher score. But as the title is "Dating Adverts From Hyrule", you need to make the characters less horny and more talking about themselves, as people do for dating service videos. If you do this, I almost guarantee that the article will generate a higher comedy score. Good luck!
Reviewer: --Username18 08:23, November 8, 2010 (UTC)