Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Let Someone Else Do It (quick)

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Let Someone Else Do It[edit source]

I don't need an in-depth review, just some quick pointers on how to localize this better. Thanks. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 00:51, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

Let Someone Else Do It
is being reviewed by
Your Source for Fine Scented Pee
And Whatever Else Comes Out Of Him
Hey Syndrome! NOTE: I use 7 as an average score, not 5. I'll try to be short, but I'd rather get my score up on User:Cajek/Pee   Le Cejak <18:34 May 30, 2009>
Humour: 6.3 Avg of sections
  • Introduction (5/10): functional, but not a whole lot of haha
  • 1.1 At home (5.8/10): taking out the trash, recycling... 4/10. Grocery shopping 7/10. Cleaning 8/10. I think I like the idea of you giving us useful sayings to just throw around.
  • 1.2 At work (7.8/10): surgeon, 8/10. policeman, 7/10. airline pilot, 9/10. the airline pilot thing has a lot of potential. hostage negotiator, 7/10.
  • 1.3 In everyday life (6.7/10): Roadside, 9/10. That was a good one. Restaurant 6/10. sounds more like just a guy who's a jackass as opposed to something that's over-the-top neglectful like the roadside one. Defending 5/10. same here, except I tend to agree: It would be irresponsible to break up a fight between gang members if you're just a citizen!
Concept: 7 I like the idea, but sometimes it sags. For example, the last section claims I should try and break up street fights? what? Focus more on stuff like the surgeon thing or the airline pilot or the roadside crash: stuff that the normal person has an obligation to help with. I'm not a cop, and not paying for dinner doesn't sound very interesting. I wrote something similar to this that somehow got featured, Why?:Give Up, that may be worth your time.
Prose and formatting: 8 There were some problems with random words being bolded for no reason, but other than that, it was fine- nice looking even.
Images: 5 Meh, I say. However, I don't know what kind of pictures would look good in this article...
Miscellaneous: 7.1 {{Pee}}
Final Score: 33.4 well, you wanted it "quick"
Reviewer:   Le Cejak <18:34 May 30, 2009>