Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Game:Death Row

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Game:Death Row[edit source]

Well, I'm trying to create my first game and so I decided to submit it to the Pee Reveiw. It's still in progress, though.This is Dr. Robotnik's DJ Jasper's signature. ProfileTalkASA 00:51, 10 June 2008 (UTC)

But I do want a person with a Golden Shower Award. It's a game, it deserves better!This is Dr. Robotnik's DJ Jasper's signature. ProfileTalkASA 02:54, 11 June 2008 (UTC)
Game:Death Row
is being reviewed by
Your Source for Fine Scented Pee
And Whatever Else Comes Out Of Him

  Le Cejak <14:19, 13 Jun 2008>

Humour: 4.3 Okay, well, since reviewing games is tough, I'm gonna use special:prefixindex to help. You've got 24 pages here, and I'll be honest: I'm not gonna look at all of them. I don't think anybody would really do that, so I'm just gonna play the game twice and see what I see (unless it wraps around or something)...
  • Game:Death Row -5- It's okay, but it's very random. I don't even know why this game is called "Death Row". What, am I on death row? Am I at the recording studio of NWA? Because this is the intro to your game, you really have to sell us the game. People hate games here, and you have to sell it to us, that's why I'm giving you a really low score. Think of the first page as an introduction to the rest of the game.
  • Game:Death Row/Glitch the fuck up -4- I just clicked on the first door you gave me, and I died. That counts as playing the game once. Wouldn't YOU find it kinda dumb to just have a death screen immediately?
  • Game:Death Row/3.1415926... -4- I just chose the second option ...what? I died again?! Okay, well, I've had enough of that. Time to score the concept.
Concept: 3 Oy, I hate giving low scores! I know you put a lot of effort into this game (24 pages that I couldn't be bothered to look at), but it needs something to hold it together. First of all, I should've learned, after dying twice, what the game is fucking about. That's my rule with games, or it is now. I've written a lot of shitty articles, so I know what a shitty game looks like. You need to either completely break this game down and start over or forget it and move to other things. It may be painful, but I think you should leave this "death row" motif behind and start over. Just write an article, and see what happens!
Prose and formatting: 7 It looks like a game, ergo it's okay in terms of formatting. However, it doesn't have to look like a game: game:Oliver Twist
Images: 0 OUCH no pictures...
Miscellaneous: 3.6 {{Pee}}
Final Score: 17.9 I'm sorry I couldn't go through all your pages, but nobody has that kind of patience. With an article, you have to read it all the way through; with a game, you don't. That's why it should really just be a linear experience instead of being all over the place. In conclusion, I suggest you start writing articles, plain and simple. It may hurt at first, and you may not get anything featured, but you HAVE to TRY WRITING. Keep on truckin', Jasper.
Reviewer:   Le Cejak <14:38, 13 Jun 2008>