UnVoyage:Main Page/Featured destination

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Below are the featured destination blurbs which will show up randomly on UnVoyage:Main Page. We use some neato Wiki tricks to let you preview all the blurbs at once, while only showing one at a time on the Main Page, but that means any little mistake in syntax will cause this whole page to explode. Be careful! Here is a general template for how each entry's syntax should look like:

<includeonly>|# =</includeonly>
{{h3|[[UnVoyage:Your UnVoyage link here|Your UnVoyage title here]]}}
[[File:Your image here.jpg|right|80px|link=UnVoyage:Your UnVoyage link here]]
Blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb  (''[[UnVoyage:Your UnVoyage link here|See more...]]'')

IMPORTANT: change the # symbol enclosed between the two <includeonly></includeonly> tags to a number one after the previous entry, so if the past entry is 4, make it a 5.

EVEN MORE IMPORTANT: Update {{UnVoyage Featured blurb}} so your new entry actually shows up on the UnVoyage:Main Page.

Also, read ALL the <!-- comments --> within the source code if you're even thinking of editing this page. Remember, explosions.

Mexico lol.jpg

Buenos días señoras y señores, and may your visit in beautiful Mexico be a most relaxing and fulfilling experience! This little guide is meant to lead you to the main attractions of this great exotic nation and make sure that you go back home with the most vivid memories. That is, if you go back at all, because the odds are pretty good you'll enjoy the place so much that you'll want to prolong your stay or as many other tourists have done, elect it as your permanent home. Mexico is said to work its magic on its visitors in mysterious ways! (See more...)


Welcome on board everyone, or as our German friends would say, "Hello!" I'm Stephen Baldwin. You may recognise me from the front of that pamphlet you're holding. This is Stephen Baldwin's Excellent Tour of Hollywood, On a Bus, driven by Me, Stephen Baldwin. I bet you didn't know I was a bus driver! Well, things aren't so flash in the movie business lately. Hold my whiskey... thanks. God, I'm Irish. (See more...)


You’ve seen it on Oprah. You vaguely remember seeing it on a map somewhere when you were ten. You might have even seen it in awful crocodile-themed films produced in the eighties. So why not see it with your own eyes? Release the shackles of the nine-to-five rat race and take a trip down under, or if you’re stationed on the Antarctic base, up over, or if you’re South American, due west. How about you just head in whichever colloquially-named compass bearing that applies to your nation of residence and come on down to Australia. Or is that come on left? Nevermind. (See more...)

Van crash-11.jpg

You guys in the West have it all so easy. Regularly paved roads. Efficient, even overzealous policing. Cars with more than a hundred and fifty horsepower, and without horses even pulling them! Sure, your people moan about carbon emissions and speed cameras, but it is doubtful that if you tried your tricks in a land with no speed limits, no roads, and a ninety-nine percent fatality rate, that you would achieve anywhere near the same levels of success. The city's quirks allow our hardened, alpha males' driving qualities to shine much brighter than those of your pesky boy racers. The veritable war zone element of some of the traffic makes those with courage shine — your average bankers would not last twenty minutes out here. (See more...)


"Traveling improves your education," as Edward John Smith, captain of the Titanic, was known to say. For this reason, people who travel are mostly uneducated, and that's a good thing. For all their education, the traveller should never forget that a journey is not only for intellectual edification, it is for also recreation, alcohol abuse in the southern sun and uninhibited debauchery. For a vacational trip, numerous countries near and far are available today. It is a good idea for every tourist to read up on his destination beforehand in order to avoid popular mistakes. (See more...)

Man desk b.jpg

Hello, middle aged and/or unemployed person seeking escape from the tyranny of your normal life, and welcome to the Uncyclopedia Tourism Bureau! Please feel free to browse through our baker's dozens of brochures on some of the most exotic vacation spots. Are you a fan of long walks on the beach? We got you covered! Want to spend the summer skiing, but hate the lines? Let us direct you towards The Arctic Circle! But don't let us encroach upon your browsing; that camera strap sure must be chafing against your overly flamboyant palm tree covered button-down short sleeve shirt the longer you wait. Browse, browse, browse! (See more...)

Featured UnVoyage