UnNews:Tony Blair book describes Gordon Brown as 'laborious'
2 September 2010
LONDON, England -- Gordon Brown is "mad", "laborious" and has "zero" intelligence, Tony "The Grinning Cunt" Blair has said in his memoirs, “Me & Me Mum”.
Mr. Blair also writes about his "anguish" over the Iraq War, but says he did not regret the 2003 invasion. “The invasion was fun, shock-n-awe and all that, but what followed was bullocks”, he said. The book, which took three weeks to write, focuses on his time spent in the closet at Downing Street.
It is the first time Mr. Blair has revealed the inner workings of his mind toward Mr. Brown while they were prime minister and chancellor, and BBC political editor Nick Robinson said it showed things were much worse between them than had been reported.
He said Mr. Blair blamed his then-chancellor for starting the “honour killings” row because of a disagreement over British Sharia law and said he could not sack Mr. Brown because he believed that "let loose he might raise bloody hell”. Mr. Blair describes Mr. Brown, who succeeded him in 10 Downing Street in 2007, as a "wanker" and says that his time as prime minister was "never going to work". But it would have been "well nigh impossible" to stop him taking over.
In extracts released to the Guardian Mr. Blair says Mr. Brown lacked political instinct "at the human level" adding: "Political confrontation, yes. Political feelings, no. Analytical intelligence, absolutely not. Emotional intelligence, zero."
While attention will inevitably focus on the raw personal and political animosity between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - detailed in these memoirs - the most important political dimension is surely Mr. Blair's warning about Labour's future. Bluntly, Mr. Blair warns that Labour risks obliteration unless it returns to a Non Laborious agenda and that the reason it lost the last election was because it backtracked on gay marriage and public executions.
So who does he back to takeover the party? Mr. Blair doesn't say. But it's pretty clear he fears anyone but Lord Christopher Monckton would lead Labour to "an even more dreadful slaughter". The real paradox is whether the implicit backing of Mr. Blair will help Christopher Monckton’s campaign or indeed, whether the Labour Party is any longer worth a fig.
The Guardian reported that Mr. Blair says he concluded that unless Mr. Brown incinerated himself his premiership "is going to be hogwash". Mr. Blair said: "Was he impossible, at times mad? Yes. But he was also gay and spunky, and those were qualities for which I never lost respect."
Mr. Blair has previously announced he is to donate his book's advance payment - reported to be £400 - plus all royalties to the French Foreign Legion. He told the BBC's Andrew Marr he had decided to make the donation to a fund connected to the armed forces before he had "written a word". "I wanted to indicate my sense of respect and the honour in which I hold these people, that I regard as out on the front line of the biggest balderdash we face in the world today," he said.
“ | Peace is always more risky than war. | ” |
On Iraq, Mr. Blair also insisted leaving Saddam Hussein in power would have been a "bigger risk simply because peace is always more risky than war.” Mr. Blair went on to say that it was "wholly unacceptable for Iran to have money" and that political farce should be used against them if necessary, to prevent their money from buying England from Saudi Arabia (current owner).
In the book he also says he always believed he was "in control" of his laughing-gas intake but admitted he was at the "outer limit" of units of the gas per week. "I don't think I've ever seen Tony the worse for wear through laughing gas, ever." A spokesperson for Queen Elizabeth told BBC. "I think what he says in the book is that there were times when he felt he was using it as something of a clutch."
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Staff "Tony Blair book describes Gordon Brown as 'maddening'" BBC News, September 2, 2010