UnNews:Putin compares Prince Charles to Hitler

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23 May 2014

Putin made the remarks during his weekly half-naked horseback ride.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has risked a diplomatic incident by comparing Prince Charles to Adolf Hitler.

Putin told shocked members of the press, "Just like Hitler in the 1930s, he's decided, without being elected, that he's going to be the next head of a state that routinely invades other countries in violation of binding international agreements."

Visibly warming to the comparison, Putin cracked two walnuts together in his bare hands, adding, "And just like Hitler, he thinks he is part of some magical master race that makes him better than everyone else despite the fact that his physical appearance suggests some kind of genetic defect, if anything."

Putin, who performed a number of daring stunts on his horse during the tirade, made several jokes about Prince Charles' German ancestry, quipping, "He won't need to Anschluss Austria, he can just call his second cousin and see if they fancy joining granny's empire," and noted that Charles, like Hitler, "can't paint for shit."

The Russian President wrapped up the press conference, as he redrew the old Russia-Ukraine border in his atlas, saying, "But at least Hitler had the decency to kill his own wife when the going got tough - not get his dad to do it."

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