UnNews:Magic Man Turns Me Into A Frog
31 December 2011
A talk page, Uncyclopedia -- Today, that cunt bitchy ass dog piece of shit has struck again. Recently, after I raised a topic about voting for articles that need dolphins to save, Magic man responded with a "slight", as he claimed, a "slight" magic trick that took a turn for the worst after I was turned into a frog. After apologizing profusely to him, he finally was captivated by my begging and turned me back into my normal self today. After that incident, he declined to comment and scurried off to the press room of our UnSignpost to fuck around with the press. Much to my surprise, no casualties or fatalities were discovered - not one single person was turned into a frog like me.
However, as I repeat, he has struck again and his victim is me - again. I am not acknowledgeable of the reason to why he turned me into a frog but when I asked him for a reason, he declined to comment and giggled furiously. The current incident started when I met Magic man again and I called him a cunt bitchy ass dog piece of kitten huffing low scurrying poo eating dog burning dolphin killing shit for turning me into a frog the last time - his face immediately turned into a preposterous glare and refused to comment. Before I knew it, he had turned me into a George Bush look-alike.
After apologizing profusely ( again ), he finally spoke, asking me rather codly : Do you know what you have done wrong?. Even though I did not know what I had done wrong, I pretended I did and immediately requested assistance from him to turn me back to my normal self again. At the same time, I asked him if he had anything more to add on.
No comment he said, giggling as he scurried off after I was turned back into my normal self. I have currently sued Magic man of five million dollars for turning me into a frog twice - both without explaining why he did so and I am awaiting a verdict.