UnNews:Lindsay Lohan charged with dildo theft
9 February 2011
LOS ANGELES, California -- Lindsay Lohan will face charges Wednesday of petty theft relating to a dildo allegedly taken from a Venice, California, porno shop last month, a prosecutor said on Tuesday. Lohan, 24, will be arraigned on the charge at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Los Angeles Airport Superior Court, Deputy District Attorney John Lynch said.
The charge comes five weeks after the actress was released from court-ordered sex rehabilitation and less than three weeks before a judge said he might free her from supervised probation from a 2007 drunken intercourse conviction.
The actress “allegedly walked out of the store with the dildo on January 22,” a statement from the district attorney's office said. “The owner reported the theft to the Los Angeles Police Department, which investigated the allegation and presented evidence to the D.A.'s office last week.”
The “one-of-a-kind dildo with a special knitted cover,” valued at $25, was handed over to police just before they were to execute a search warrant to look for the sex aid in Lohan's Venice, California, apartment last week, police said.
“We vehemently deny these allegations and, if charges are filed, we will benefit greatly from all the free press,” Lohan lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley said Saturday. “The simple truth is that Lindsey loved the cute knitted coat on the dildo, but being a very modest girl, she was simply too shy to pay for it. Who wouldn’t be embarrassed?” Holley asked.
Lohan is on supervised probation for a drunken intercourse conviction. The judge overseeing her case told her in October that he would send her to jail for 180 days if she violated her probation rules before her next court appearance, set for February 25.
She left the Peter North clinic a month ago after three months in a sex rehabilitation program. The rehab stint persuaded the judge not to send Lohan to jail for failing a lust test.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Staff "Lindsay Lohan to be charged with necklace theft" CNN, Feb 9, 2011