UnNews:Lanagate: Billboard goofs Del Rey chart position
Sunday, August 23, 2015
NEW YORK CITY -- On Monday, Billboard Magazine published an article revealing who made the Top Ten on the Hot 100 chart dated August 29, 2015. This chart revealed that Lana Del Rey's new single, "High By the Beach," had debuted at No. 7. However, on Tuesday, Billboard amended the article, stating that an error had been made and that the song actually debuted at No. 51 -- meaning that Selena Gomez's highest female debut of 2015 (for her new single, "Good For You") has not yet been challenged.

Later that day, news broke that on Monday night, Gomez and another accomplice had been caught breaking into Billboard headquarters in order to tamper with Del Rey's chart position. Gomez refuses to speak of the matter, except to say, "The chart wants what it wa-ha-ha, ha, ha-ha-ha, ha-hants."
Billboard, accused of covering up the break-in, has denied any involvement or wrongdoing, but an investigation is underway.
Investigators say they are getting insider tips from "some guy with a deep voice. He sounds kinda familiar, I think it's James Earl Jones."
Music fans, wacko conspiracy theorists, and insiders are calling the scandal "Lanagate." When Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein heard about the scandal, Bernstein's simple reply was, "Shit, not again!"
UnNews will have more on this story as it develops.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Bob Woodward ""Lana-gate?": Lana Del Rey chart position scandal rocks Billboard Hot 100" Washington Post, August 17, 2015